Sunday 29 November 2015



1.0                                           INTRODUCTION
1.1 Background of the Study
The term information system evolved from a broader area of study; management information system(MIS), when computers were first used in mid 1950s, the applications were primarily. The simple processing of transaction records and preparations of business documents and standard reports. Davis(1997). This use was termed data processing (DP) or electronic data processing (EDP).
By the mid, 1960s, many users and builders of information processing systems developed a more comprehensive vision of what computers could do for an organization. This vision was termed, a management information system (MIS). It enlarged the scope of data processing to add systems for supporting management and administrative activities including planning, scheduling, analysis and decision making.
In the 1980s and 1990s, their was merging of computer and communication technologies. The organizational use of information technology was extended to internal networks (intranet) local area networks, external networks that connect an organization to its suppliers and customers and communication systems that enable employee to work alone or in groups. Davis (1997).

  Informationsystems has come to be applied in various sphere of human endeavor. Stadium management is just one area where information system can prove beneficial if applied.
 A stadium is a place or a venue for outdoor sports, concerts or other events and consists of a field or stage either partly or completely surrounded by a field structure designed to allow spectators to stand, sit and view the events (Wikipedia).
One of the roles of information system is to take data and turn it into information Davis (2014) a stadium around the world can employ information systems for strategic advantages, as stadium management are constantly saddled with the routine task of collecting customers data and transforming such data into information. This ultimately leads to timely delivery of services, better sitting arrangement and less redundancy in the day-to-day transactions….
Information systems have become an integral part of most organizations. Without Information Systems, Banks cannot process payments, governments cannot collect taxes, and large shopping malls cannot take stock of their goods. In almost every sector—education, finance, government, health care, manufacturing, and businesses large and small—information systems play a prominent role. Every day work, communication, information gathering, and decision making all rely on information technology (IT). When we visit a travel agency to book a trip, a collection of interconnected information systems is used for checking the availability of flights and hotels and for booking them. When we make an electronic payment, we interact with the bank’s information system rather than with personnel of the bank. Modern supermarkets use IT to track the stock based on incoming shipments and the sales that are recorded at cash registers. Most companies and institutions rely heavilyon their information systems. Organizations such as banks, online travel agencies, tax authorities, and electronic bookshops can be seen as IT companies given the central role of their information systems. This book is about modeling business processes. A business process describes the flow of work within an organization. It is managed and supported by an information system. In this chapter, we first introduce information systems (section 1.1) and discuss different types of information systems and their roles in organizations (section 1.2). After introducing information systems, we look at the life cycle of these systems and concentrate on the important role that models play in this life cycle (section 1.3). Next, we show how to describe information systems in terms of states and state transitions (section 1.4). Although transition systems are not suitable for modeling industrial information systems and business processes, they illustrate the essence of modeling. Finally, we discuss the role of modeling and provide an outlook on the next chapters

* Information Systems
Organizations offer products to customers to make money. These products can be goods or services. In most organizations, huge volumes of data accumulate: data of products, data of customers, data of employees, data of the delivery of products, and data of other sources. These data therefore play an important role in contemporary organizations and must be stored, managed, and processed, which is where information systems come into play. Because there is no unique understanding of what an information system is, we develop a definition of an information system in this section by considering an example organization everybody should be familiar with: a family doctor.
A patient who consults a family doctor usually first tells the doctor about the symptoms. With this information, the doctor examines the patient and makes a diagnosis. Afterward, the doctor determines the treatment to heal the patient. For example, based on the diagnosis, the doctor may write the patient a prescription for some medication. Finally, the doctor must document the symptoms, the diagnosis, and the treatments. Today, most doctors use a software system to record this information.
Before we provide our definition of an information system, we first explain the term “information,” which can mean any of the following:
1. The communication act of one agent—the term “agent” may refer to any entity ranging from a person or a software component to an organization—informing another agent (e.g., by exchanging messages);
2. The knowledge or beliefs of agents as a part of their mental state; or
3. (Data) objects that represent knowledge or beliefs

In the example of the family doctor, the situation in which a patient informs the doctor about the symptoms is an example of a communication act. The patient and the doctor are the agents in this example. The doctor uses her knowledge and the symptoms described by a patient to examine the patient. The doctor may have beliefs about possible causes based on earlier interactions with the patient. Based on the outcomes of the examination and on prior knowledge, the doctor makes a diagnosis. The documentation of the symptoms, of the diagnosis, and of the treatments in a software system leads to the creation of data objects. These data objects represent the new knowledge and may be used for various purposes—for example, for billing the insurance company of the patient.
There are textbooks in which the authors distinguish between data, information, and knowledge. In these textbooks, the term “data” refers to the syntax, “information”
Information Systems: Introduction and Concepts refers to the interpretation, and “knowledge” refers to the way information is used.
The data element “29-01-1966,” for example, may be seen as a string; in a particular context it may, however, be interpreted as the birth date of a person, and people may use this information to congratulate this person on the twenty-ninth of January each year. In this chapter, we use the term “information” in a broader sense, as described earlier.
Having explained “information,” we can define the term “information system.” The standard definition is that an information system manages and processes information. This definition is general and allows different interpretations. For example, it is not clear whether “information system” refers only to software systems or also to humans, such as a family doctor who manages and processes information. For this reason, we develop a more refined definition.
The reason for “information system” having several meanings becomes clear when we consider Alter’s framework for information systems (Alter 2002) in figure 1.1. It shows an integrated view of an information system encompassing six entities: customers, products (and services), business processes, participants, information, and technology. Customers are the actors that interact with the information system through the exchange of products or services. These products are being manufactured or assembled in business processes that use participants, information, and technology.
Participants are the people who do the work. Information may range from information about customers to information about products and business processes. Business processes use technology, and new technologies may enable new ways of doing work.
Customers and participants are examples of agents. As figure 1.1 shows, business processes play a central role in larger information systems. A business process describes the flow of work within an organization. In this book, we use the following definition of a business process adapted from work by Weske, (2007).
*Business process;A business process consists of a set of activities thatis performed in an organizational and technical environment. These activities arecoordinated to jointly realize a business goal. Each business process is enacted by asingle organization, but it may interact with business processes performed by otherorganizations.
According to this definition, a business process consists of coordinated activities. Typically,these activities must be performed in a particular order. For example, the familydoctor first examines a patient and then makes a diagnosis. Although a business processis enacted by a single organization, it may interact with other business processes withinand across organizational boundaries. For example, the family doctor may bill theinsurance company of the patient.
Diagrams like the one in figure 1.1 illustrate why it is difficult to provide a standarddefinition of an information system. Some researchers and practitioners hold a viewthat all six elements constitute an information system; other researchers and practitionersargue that only a subset (e.g., just business processes, information, and technology)constitutes an information system.Let us pick up again the example of the family doctor. A patient serves asa customer, according to figure 1.1, and the product is health care. The business processdescribes the procedure of the medical treatment. It has five activities: a patientinforms the doctor about the symptoms, then the doctor examines the patient, makesa diagnosis, determines the treatments, and finally the doctor enters the data into thesoftware system. The doctor is a participant, pieces of information are the symptoms ofthe patient and the data added to the software system, and the doctor’s software systemis the technology involved.
Given these considerations, we present the following definition of an informationsystem, which is adapted from Alter’s definition (Alter 2002).
Information system;An information system is a software system to capture,transmit, store, retrieve, manipulate, or display information, thereby supportingpeople, organizations, or other software systems.
In contrast to other definitions, we consider an information system to be a softwaresystem. A family doctor is, hence, not part of an information system. Furthermore, aninformation system may support not only an organization or a person but also othersoftware systems and, hence, information systems. In addition, our definition of aninformation system does not require the existence of a business process; a text editor
Information Systems: Introduction and Concepts is an example of an information system that has no business process. In this research,however, we concentrate on information systems in which business processes play acentral role.
In the example of the family doctor, the information system is the softwaresystem that stores the data of the patient. This information system supports aperson: the doctor.
*Types of Information Systems
In the previous section, we defined “information system.” Many types of informationsystems exist on the market. To illustrate this, this section first provides a broad classificationof information systems.We then narrow our view to enterprise information systemsand present for this class of information systems an overview of existing typesof software systems. Moreover, we provide examples of typical enterprise informationsystems in various industries.

* Classifying Information Systems
It is ambitious to classify the many types of information systems that have emerged inpractice. Many classifications for information systems exist in the literature; see classificationsby Alter (2002), Dumas, Van der Aalst, and TerHofstede (2005), and Olivé(2007), for instance. The problem is that classification is in flux; that is, a classificationdeveloped a few years ago is not necessarily current. As another and main limiting factor,the categories of a classification are typically not disjointed: one type of informationsystem belongs to multiple categories. Given these problems, we present a high-levelclassification that distinguishes three classes of information systems.
The first class of information systems is personal information systems. Such an informationsystem can manage and store information for a private person. Examples arean address book or address database and an audio CD collection.
Enterprise (or organizational) information systems are the second class of informationsystems. An enterprise information system is tailored toward the support of an organization.
We distinguish between generic types and technologies of information systemsand information systems for certain types of organizations. The former class of enterpriseinformation systems supports functionality that can be used by a wide rangeof organizations. Examples are workflow management systems, enterprise resourceplanning systems, data warehouse systems, and geographic information systems. Incontrast, information systems for certain types of organizations offer functionalitythat is tailored toward certain industries or organizations. Examples are hospital informationsystems, airline reservation systems, and electronic learning systems.
The third class of information systems is public information systems. Unlike personalinformation systems, public information systems can manage and store informationthat can be accessed by a community. Public libraries, information systems for museums,
Web-based community information systems andWeb-based stock-portfolio informationsystems are examples of public information systems.In this book, we concentrate on enterprise information systems. These systems play acrucial role in a wide variety of organizations and have an enormous economic value.
The complexity and importance of such systems provide serious challenges for ITprofessionals ranging from software engineers to management consultants. Businessprocesses and business process models play a dominant role in enterprise informationsystems. This explains why business process modeling is the focus of later chapters.

*Types of Enterprise Information Systems
There are many types of enterprise information systems in practice. This section givesan overview of the most important types.
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system isan information system that supports the main business processes of an organization—for example, human resource management, sales, marketing, management, financialaccounting, controlling, and logistics. In the past, each business process was encapsulatedin a separate information system. As most of these business processes use relateddata, much redundant data had to be stored within the respective information systems.
The increasing number and complexity of information systems forced organizations tospend much effort in synchronizing the data of all information systems.
An ERP system is a solution to overcome these synchronization efforts by integratingdifferent information systems. It is a software system that is built on a distributed computingplatform including one or more database management systems. The computingplatform serves as an infrastructure on which the individual business processes areimplemented. First-generation ERP systems now run the complete back office functionsof the world’s largest corporations.
ERP systems run typically in a three-tier client/server architecture consisting of a userinterface (or presentation) tier, an application server tier, and a database server tier.
ERP systems provide multi-instance database management, configuration management,and version (or customization) management for the underlying database schema,for the user interface, and for the many application programs associated with them.
As ERP systems are typically designed for multinational companies, they have to supportmultiple languages, multiple currencies, and country-specific business practices.
The sheer size and the tremendous complexity of these software systems make themcomplicated to deploy and maintain.
Information Systems: Introduction and Concepts
ERP systems are large and complex software systems that integrate smaller andmore focused applications; for example, most ERP systems include functionality thatis also present in other enterprise information systems, such as procurement systems,manufacturing systems, sales and marketing systems, delivery systems, finance systems,and workflow management systems.We introduce these systems in the followingdiscussion.
The market leader in the ERP market is SAP, with 43,000 customers for its system
SAP ERP (data from 2009). Other important vendors are Oracle, Sage Company, andMicrosoft.
Procurement Systems A procurement system is an information system that helps anorganization automates the purchasing process. The aim of a procurement system is toacquire what is needed to keep the business processes running at minimal cost. Withthe available inventory, the expected arrival of ordered goods, and forecasts based onsales and production plans, the procurement system determines the requirements andgenerates new orders. At the same time, it tracks whether ordered goods arrive. The keypoint is to order the right amount of material at the right time from the right source.
If the material arrive too early, money for buying the material and warehouse spaceto store the material will be tied up. If, in contrast, the material arrives too late, thenproduction is disrupted. Hence, the goal is to balance reducing inventory costs withreducing the risk of out-of-stock situations.
Procurement is an important ingredient of supply chain management (SCM), in whichcoordination of the purchasing processes is not limited to two actors. Instead, SCMaims at closely coordinating an organization with its suppliers so that inefficiencies areavoided by optimizing the entire purchasing process. For example, by synchronizingthe production process of an organization with its suppliers, all parties may reduce theirinventories. The market leader in the SCM market is SAP with SAP SCM; competitorsare Oracle and JDA Software (data from 2007).
Procurement is related to electronic data interchange (EDI), the electronic exchange ofinformation based on a standard set of messages. EDI can be used to avoid delays anderrors in the procurement process as a result of rekeying information. In the classical
(pre-EDI) situation, a purchase order is entered into the procurement system of oneorganization, it is printed, and the printed purchase order is sent to the order processingdepartment or to another organization. The information on the printed purchaseorder is then reentered into the procurement system. By using EDI or technology suchas Web services, organizations can automate these parts of the procurement process.
The purchase order is electronically sent to the processing department or to the otherorganization. This automation makes the overall procurement process faster and lesserror-prone, thereby reducing the costs for each purchase order.
Manufacturing Systems Manufacturing systems support the production processes inorganizations. Driven by information, such as the bill of materials (BOM), inventorylevels, and available capacity, they plan the production process. With increasingautomation of production processes, manufacturing systems have become more andmore important. For example, most steps in the production line of a car, such as weldingthe auto body, are performed by robots. This requires precise scheduling and materialmovement and, hence, a manufacturing system that supports these processes.
Material requirements planning (MRP) is an approach to translate requirements (i.e.,the number of products for each period), inventory status data, and the BOM intoa production plan without considering capacities. Successors, such as manufacturingresources planning (MRP2), also take capacity information into account. Software basedon MRP and MRP2 has been the starting point for many ERP systems.
Consider an organization that produces different flavors of yogurt (e.g., strawberry,peach, and pear). The organization has several machines to produce yogurt; each machinecan produce any flavor. Production planning means scheduling each machine forthe flavor of yogurt it must produce. The production plan depends on the demandfor each flavor and on the delivery of ingredients. Furthermore, each machine hasto be cleaned at regular intervals and when the production changes to a new flavor.
Calculating a production plan is a complex optimization problem, often depending onseveral thousand constraints. Consequently, the aim is to find a good solution ratherthan an optimum solution.
Sales and Marketing Systems Sales and marketing systems need to process customerorders by taking into account issues such as availability. These systems are driven bysoftware addressing the four p’s: product, price, place, and promotion. Organizationsundertake promotional activities and offer their products at competitive prices to boostsales, but a product that is not available or not at the right location cannot be sold.
One prominent example of a promotional activity is a bonus card in supermarkets.
Customers who register for a bonus card get a discount or a voucher. Bonus cards arean instrument for organizations to obtain personal data about their customers (e.g.,age, address) and data about the buying behavior of customers (i.e., what they buy andwhen they buy it). These data are collected and processed by an information system. Theinformation extracted from these data can help to improve marketing and to determinethe range of products to offer.
New technologies are increasingly used to support sales over the Internet. Electroniccommerce uses the Internet to inform (potential) customers, to execute the purchasetransaction, and to deliver the product. Again, this functionality is typically embeddedin an ERP system. To manage the contact with their customers, organizations use dedicatedcustomer relationship management (CRM) systems. A CRM system has a databaseto store all customer-related information, such as contact details and past purchases.
Information Systems: Introduction and Concepts
This information helps tailor the marketing efforts to expected customer needs. As anexample, a car dealer does not need to send information about a new expensive sportscar to customers who recently bought a van or a compact car.
Delivery Systems A delivery system is an information system that supports the deliveryof goods to customers. The task of these systems is to plan and schedule when and inwhat order customers receive their products. Consider, for example, a transportationcompany with hundreds of trucks. The planning of trips, the routing of these trucks,and reacting to on-the-fly changes require dedicated software. Creating an optimalschedule is a complex optimization problem. As circumstances—for example, trafficjams and production problems—may force rescheduling, contemporary delivery systemsaim to find a good solution rather than a theoretical optimum solution. More andmore delivery systems offer tracking-and-tracing functionality; for example, customersof package delivery companies, such as UPS, can track down the location of a specificparcel via the Internet.
Finance Systems Among the oldest information systems are finance systems. These systemssupport the flow of money within and between organizations. Finance systemstypically provide accounting functionality to maintain a consistent and auditable setof books for reporting and management support. Another important application offinance systems is the stock market. At a stock market, dedicated information systemsare essential to process the operations. Again, the functionality of finance systems isabsorbed by ERP systems. The origin of the SAP system, for example, was in financerather than production planning.
Product Design Systems Enterprise information systems not only support the productionof products, they also support the design of products. Examples are computer-aideddesign (CAD) systems and product data management (PDM) systems. CAD systems supportthe graphical representation and the design of product specifications. PDM systemssupport the design process in a broader sense by managing designs and their documentation.
Typically, there are many versions of the same design, and designs of differentcomponents need to be integrated. To support such complex concurrent engineeringprocesses, PDM systems offer versioning functionality.
Workflow Management Systems Many organizations aim to automate their businessprocesses. To this end, they have to specify in which order the activities of a businessprocess must be executed and which person has to execute an activity at which time.
A workflow refers to the automation of a business process, in whole or in part. Eachactivity of the workflow is implemented as software. The workflow logic specifies theorder of the activities. A workflow management system (WfMS) is an information systemthat defines, manages, and executes workflows. The execution order of the workflow’sactivities is driven by a computer representation of the workflow logic. The ultimategoal of workflow management is to make sure that the proper activities are executedby the right people at the right time (Aalst and Hee 2004).
Not every business process corresponds to a single workflow. Workflows are casebased;that is, every piece of work is executed for a specific case. One can think of a caseas a workflow instance, such as a mortgage, an insurance claim, a tax declaration, apurchase order, or a request for information. Each case is handled individually accordingto the workflow definition (often referred to as the workflow schema). Examplesof business processes that do not correspond to a single workflow are stock-keepingprocesses; for example, in make-to-stock and assemble-to-order processes, end productsor materials already exist before the order is placed (i.e., before the case is created,manufacturing or assembly activities have already occurred). For this reason, only fragmentsof such business processes (i.e., in-between stocking points) are considered to beworkflows.
Interestingly, WfMSs are embedded in some of the enterprise information systemsalready mentioned; for example, most ERP andPDMsystems include one or more WfMScomponents. Besides enterprise information systems, middleware software (e.g., IBM’sWebSphere) and development platforms (e.g., the .NET framework) embed workflowfunctionality; see the WebSphere Process Server and the Windows WorkflowFoundation. Examples of stand-alone WfMSs are BPM|one, FileNet, and YAWL.
Data Warehouses A data warehouse is a large database that stores historical and upto-date information from a variety of sources. It is optimized for fast query answering.
To allow this, there are three continuous processes: The first process extracts data atregular intervals from its information sources, loads the data into auxiliary tables, andthen cleans and transforms the loaded data to make it suitable for the data warehouseschema. Processing queries from users and from data analysis applications is the task ofthe second process. The third process archives the information that is no longer neededby means of tertiary storage technology.
Nowadays, most organizations employ information systems for financial accounting,purchasing, sales and inventory management, production planning, and managementcontrol. To efficiently use the vast amount of information that these operational systemshave been collecting over the years for planning and decision-making purposes,the information from all relevant sources must be merged and consolidated in a datawarehouse.
Whereas an operational database is accessed by online transaction processing (OLTP)applications that update its content, a data warehouse is accessed by ad hoc user queriesand by special data analysis programs, referred to as online analytical processing (OLAP)applications. In a banking environment, for example, there may be an OLTP application.
1.2 Statement of problems
Organization/business incur loose due to the repetitive and manual nature of their day-to-day activities. This is particularly evident in organizational where a large number of customers have to be served within a limited time. In stadium for instance, losses are incurred due to excess tickets produced for limited number of customers.
1.3 objectives of study
The specific objectives of the study are;
i.                   To study the manual method of processing tickets at stadiums.
ii.                 Design an information system which is time efficient and solves certain  problems associated with the manual system.
iii.              Design a comprehensive database that will house the information of customers/fans at stadium.
iv.              Implement the study in a particular stadium.

1.4 Limitation of study;
The limitations of this research work are as follows;
i.                   The absence of monthly/annual reservation functionality where customers can get their tickets i.e tickets for all the game of a particular season.
ii.                 The system does not address the challenges of the seat reservation at stadiums.
1.5 Significance of the study;
The design/implementation of information systems for stadiums will ensure efficiency and timelines in the processing of ticket. The system also saves labor. Which is associated with the manual processing of ticket at stadiums.
1.6 Definition of terms;
Data – this is a low fact or unprocessed/unshaped information (raw file).\
Information –these are data that has been processed and is ready for use.
Management – this is the bringing together of resources and people for the accomplishment of a specific goal i.e. planning or controlling a group of person that makes decision.
Information management – this is the organization and management of related data with a system.
Information retrieval – this is the method used in recovering specific information.
Maintenance – this is a way of taking proper care of facilities in an organization.\
Record – this is the collection of related fields, data or in formation within the organization.
Output – this is the transfer of processed information to the people or activities.
Processing – this is converting of raw data into a more readable and meaningful form.
Information system – this can be defined as a set of interrelated components that collect, retrieve, process, store and distributes information to support decision making and control in an organization.
Stadium – this is a place set aside for sport activities to take place.

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