Monday 30 November 2015


Due to the increase of student seeking for admit ion into the university today year by year many institution today has found it very difficult in accessing and redirecting student on the process of examine all there file through the  manual way of Record keeping, the mask turn up of Student’ file have increase which the registry have find it very difficult . to locate and access each student file, Which can take them up to twelve to twenty four hours to locate. A student file, that is while today every higher learning Institution are changing from manual method to electronic system of registration Into the institution. The online student registration system, the system provide For student the option to register courses without the adviser/registrar prior approval offered by the colleges during their form selection by adding and dropping the non-relevant information, However when the registration period is over all previously registered class by the student will be viewable in the system database.
The web system offers student the ability to Instant schedule changes without leaving home which student can be able to register for any school of their choice via a web base system.  This form have really help to ease the process  of manual registration of student into the school, the process is very easy and fast for the registrar  to Locate and observe any Student file just for an clicking of A mouse that cannot take two seconds to locate the student file. This new method of online student registration will really help the institution in storing the students file and Likewise promoting the information and records on A file via web base online system
Michael okpara college of agriculture umudike Nown known as (Michael okpara university of agriculture) was established in 1992. It was established as a specialize university by federal Government of Nigeria Decree No 48 of November 1992. It began formal activities in may 1993 with the appointment of the first council and vice- chancellor professor placid c, Njoku on 27 may 1993 while other key officials of the university were admitted into the institution during the 1993 /94 academic year with a student population of 82.
The nickname “umudykes” or u’dykers refer to student allmni and sports teams of Michael okpara university of agriculture.
The vice chancellor is Prof, Ikenna onyido. The institution offer more than 100 programs, and grants more than 40 undergraduate degrees. Post Graduate degree are offered (MSC and MBA) and Doctoral(phd) degree in over 15 department in 11 school and college. The university issues the following degree;
* Bachelor of Agriculture (B.Agric)
* Bachelor of science(
* Bachelor of Engineering(B.Eng)
* Master of science(msc)
* Master of business administration(mba)
* Doctor of philosophy(phd)
The degrees are offered across ten colleges and a graduate school within the university all these possible degrees are been made possible through the web base system of registration, that is while students and staff, currently in MOUAU has 11.232 student 525 of whom are postgraduates pursuing different degree and diplomas on full and part time basis.
The total staff strength is 1.346. MOUAU is a gender sensitive institution with a passion for community development. The design and implementation of data base system has help and reduces the stress of student seeking for approval of there registration
There is increasingly population of student in the university and such more courses are jet to be introduced. The project work tried to see how to design a web based system for online  student registration such that even the entire nation ,the world can view and get to know about the institution and it tremendous opportunities it can offer generally.
The Administrative Structure of MOUAU
The Registrar works under the vice-chancellor as the chief  Administrative officer of the university and provides secretarial services for the council, senate, congregation and  convocation, the registrar handles all formal university correspondence on appointment designators’ contracts supplies legal and property matters and the Registry Department is divided into the following division
·        Council and General Administration which takes care of all matter as well as the day to day administrative duties
·        The abolishment Division deals with all staff (academic and non academic) matters including welfare and pensions.
·        The academic Division deals with Admission, Examinations and  record as well as other matters relating to the academic aspect of student
·        The registry also provide at various levels administrative support staff for services at the colleges, the faculty and all other units of the university.
The bursary Department
The bursary department headed by the bursary is responsible for all financial matters of the university. The department carries out the following functions
1    Documentation and recording of financial transactions of the university  income and expectation
2           Collection of students fees and payment of bursary and  scholarship awards.
3           Preparation of periodic financial statements for management NUC and council
4           Preparation and payment of staff salaries allowances pensions and gratuities. Its students account section is located at the data pack area of the university the bursary also maintains financial unit in all college/faculties of the university to facilitate student’s financial matters via an electronically system.
 Campus and its location
The institution is located in the Agricultural training and research city of umudike about 10kilometer from umuahia (capital of abia state) the major link road to the university is the umuahia ikot ekpene federal road, a direct route to the state capitals of abia akwa-ibom and cross river states being close to umuahia the university is linked through a major North-south express road to most part of the country. It commenced its activities on the premises of the formal federal college of agriculture, umudike. And its situated in community of umudike in the south Eastern zone of Nigeria. It lies between longitude 7  degree and 7 degree 05’E and latitude 5 degree 250N MOUAU’s site is a rural agricultural based community and this brings to greater focus the role of the Cole of university as one specializing in agriculture and related disciplines very good understanding has been communities and there is currently easy extension of research findings to those communities for the improvement of their farming practices and methods.
Every season student are largely increasing in population when it comes to institution admits new student into the college. The formal system of the college uses a manual method of keeping record validation, retrieving, sorting and processing the entire student record. Based on these facts the management of student record are facing problem because of the size of the record turn up of student seeking for admit ion into the college.
However, due to the manual way of registration when it comes to the subject registration day, the college is crowded with students because of they are require to fill up there registration form, most of the problem faced by the current system are as fellows Subsequently Ezeano j,(2005) in commenting on the problem states: That reasonable time is wasted as a result of this; there is  no insecurity in record keeping. The current system made backup of file more cumbersome and the entire access to data is tedious job. The frequently use of manual system in registrating student therefore is always associated with alot of difficult problems. The online registration system is a software program that is program by the institution for student free enhancement. Institution  particularly schools,  college and university uses to manage data regarding the student, the system allows for online testing to be used and subsequent online marking and rapid mark delivery, as well as details of the student, including their description, studies current accommodation and payment method and details for tuition.
Some university like university of Agriculture umudike, expand on this and assign student cards student cards for their time at university. These cards act as electronic tracker that need to be scanned for each seminar or portal as well as provide access to university  facilities. The statement of online registration system is as wide as the human thought that goes into it. The computer system could be clever and know what items to be and analyze the trends involved and more in that direction in order to make the most sales. High security is needed to protect especially in the case of university, financial details, not to mention the other contact details of students personal information protection is a serious responsibility and heavily punishable by the law, and more student access and register the data and  the more data means the more server processing power and memory that is required not to mention the onsite internet speeds required to make such a system work fully.  
Student online registration system provides students the ability to register for the class via the web. And provide students the ability to view their academic records via web base system(student portal). This project is focused on creating a browser interface (for a student data management application that already exists) and thus will allow user’s to shop for classes, add them to their shopping cart, make payment and view their academic records. All this will be done by communicating with our student management system via web services allowing the programmer to retrieve and write data to the database. The primary user of this interface will be a student who will browse classes offered by a school and thus have the opportunity to enroll themselves in the desired classes through a “checkout” process including payment processing usually using a credit card through other methods will be made available as well. Using Dot Net Nuke(DNN)as the development platform we will develop this interface using bootstrap control that allow user’s to: Do the following
*Browse courses/class and pathway offerings.
*create user account thus creating new student profiles and allowing them to edit profile data as applicable.
*Add applicable classes to a shopping chart and purchase them via three possible methods, primarily using a credit card.
* upon successful transaction, create applicable enrolment and transaction responses tom the proper WCF services.
* upon successful transaction, creat and send automatic email responses.
* view their student records such as enrollments attendance, Grades, documents and profile. All communications with the schools business logic will be handled via wcf services supplied and setup by codel evel be services. Note that some of the design elements to the described in the document may negative element to the DNN cms framework Native DNN operations and modules can be used where it does not result in major changes to the design indicated within this document. Multiple site structure this web site must be able to be used by multiple schools independently without replicating the entire web site for each school in the case, creating a new “portal” will include the ability to
1,  enter the unique URL for each portal (school)
2, create configuration options for changing base colors text and general ul        options that will affect the each portal and also in this frame work. It aim is to design a program that student can access via web to be able to register for admission into the university without to much stress that envolve on processing their entire information.    
This study is vital in ripping so many future benefit which include the following
(1) School enrollment software  tools allow you to easily creates, modify,and deploy forms to an online parent portal
(2) This project allows student to reap the benefit of massive cost reduction in your annual enrollment and registration process. No more paper to lose, no more trying to figure out what the parent wrote instead you end up with clear validated data that is ready for your student management system.
(3) This study also help by letting you be in control of your form process, your way and you are in charge of your document and time
(4) The importance objective of those project is also the use of Hiper Text Markup Languages(HTML) that help to access the already existing written program.
(5) Very very easy to access and stress less
(6) policy.
A student online registration system is a software application that institution, particularly school, colleges and university uses to manage data regarding the student. The system allows For online testing to be used and subsequent online marking and rapid mark delivery, as well as storing information regarding the personal and contact details of the student, including their description, studies, current accommodation and payment methods and details for tuition.
Some universities like university of agriculture umudike expend on this and assign student cards for their time at university. These cards act as electronic trackers that need to be scanned for each seminar or porter as well as provide access to university facilities. The scope of the online registration system is as wide as the human thought that goes into it. The computer system could be clever and know what item, to be  and analyze the trends involve and stock more in that direction in order to make the most sales. High security in needed to protect especially in the case of universities, financial details not to mention the other contact details of students personal information protection is a serious responsibility and heavily punishable by the law, and the storage capacity needed for the amount of students, the more access and register the data, and the more data means the more server processing power and memory that is required not to mention the on-site internet speeds required to make such a system work fully properly .
Online student registration system portal,in federal university of agricultuer umudike uses the old method of paper, and file written document that student has to fill a form that bear all the latest student information likewise school data, that each student will attach, there passport and duplicate it into three-plates and to be submitted to the Administrative officer office, and then weat for the call up after there information have been processed and verified by the appropriate officer in charge of the student registration affairs. Where by security is not appropriately assured, slow in communication  speculation and time consuming factor which are also involved. In the old system limitation where by filling the registration input may not been valid, a lots of mistake may been be involved and the student registration file(information) which bear information particularly for each student may not been easily to locate at time and verified by the admission officer due to delays, likewise misplacement may also been evolved therefore the old method of student registration system are not normal and its need to be updated by the online base system.
The online web base student registration system are relatively easy to use and maintained, the alms of this new system is to develop and write a program that will be able to run through the internet. The new design will help to manage the following ways
·        ACCURACY; the computer being noted for its unique ability to process information accurately where by giving error free data and programs will produce and generate accurate result.
·        SAVE COST; once a computerized system is set up, power personnel is required to keep the processing going, there by  reducing the number of staff in the section as well as wage bill for the management.
·        RELIABILITY; computerize base line student registration system are more reliable there will be no more misplacement of student file, any more because every student information are being store and save in the database.
·         Improve the capacity of a centralized data transaction processing in respect with the current future growth of student academic and admission processes.
·        The new system will provide the university with a database that will also be very easy to update and locate, any student information that is imputed via online will be very easy to accessed. 
·        WEBSITE:     A collection of HTML pages and tag.
·        BROWSER:       A program that allows you to access and read hyper text document on the web.
·        DNN:               Dot Net Nuke, a link to online payment.
·        STUDENT:        Somebody who is registered to take courses at the institution.
·        PROFESSOR:          Someone who is licensed to teach at the institution.
·        REGISTRER:       Someone who is responsible for the maintenance of the Registration of student information system.
·        BILLING SYSTEM:     External system that bills students each time they puchace the registration form via online based system.
·        URL:              An acronym for uniform resource locatior.
·        DATA:      The term that are used to describe raw materials of an information processing system.
·        WWW:     it means world wide web, a section of the internet containing pages of information which include video and  text you can search for document using one of the many search database.
·        INFORMATION:       These are an instruction  represented in organized form.
·        SERVER:       A program, system contains information requested by client computer.
·        HOT SPOT:      A hot spot is an invisible region in a graphics to which a hyper link has been assigned to.
·        HND:         Higher national diplomer, it is a degree that is obtain by student.
·        PORTER:          A method by which is link and obtain via internet system.
·        SCHOOL:       It is an institution in which student are enrolled to learn and obtain knowledge.
·        HARD WARE:      Hardware is a related peripherals in a computer system and data communication equipment.
·         SOFTWARE:        Computer programs that are install in a system that enable it to function and carried a related records.
·        FILE:          A group of related field.
·        FIELD:         A single pieces of collection of related character’s.
·        INPUT:         Instruction giving to a computer to enable it to do a specific job.
·        WEB BROWSER:      A software that is used to locate retrived content of the internet.
·        WEB PAGE:        This is a simple text file that contain not only text but a set of html tags that describe how the text/ information should be formatted when a browser display it on the screen.
·        ISP:       Internet service provider, an industry that provide internet service to people.
·        INTERNET:    An international computer, interconnection of different computer together that share resourses.
·        INTERFACE:      The way a computer program present information to a user’s or receives information from a user.
·        DESIGN:         To plain make and intend something for a special purpose.
·        REGISTRATION:     The act of making an official record of something.
·        REGISTRY:       This is a place where student files/ register are kept.
·        COMPUTER:     An electronic machine that can store, organize and find information, and control others machine.
·        ONLINE:      It is a process of connecting via web base to access information stored in it.
·         MOUAU:      Short form of pronouncing the word Michael okpara university of agriculture umudike.
·        FORM:         An official document containing questions and space for answer where you will type n the related information.
·        SYSTEM:     A group of thing, pieces of equipment that are connected to perform a task.
·        CLASS:        A series of classes on a particular subject.
·        OFFER:        It is an act of saying that you are willing to do something for somebody.
·        ADMISSION:     It is an art of accepting somebody into an institution.
·        ACADEMY:       A college for special training.
·        COURSE:           A period of study at a college.
·         APPROVAL:   An agreement to a request made by student.
·        SCHEDULE:     An arrangement of something to happen at a particular time.
·        CHOICE:       An art of choosing between a particular two thing, ether HND or ND program.
·        PERIOD:          particular length of time that an admission form, sale will last.
·        ADVISOR:        A person who gives advice to student filling admission form. 

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