Friday 27 November 2015

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ONLINE TUTORIAL SYSTEM (a case study of computer science department, FCAI).

The use of an online tutorial system to educate students in higher institution as a secondary learning channel is growing, and the number of users accessing the various digital platforms is steadily increasing. As the number of web users grows, it is important that lectures and educative materials are both digitally accessible and usable by all.
          Online environments applied in education usually involve the use of learning management systems or Virtual Learning Environments such as Moodle, Sakai, WebCT, Blackboard, Joomla etc. Online tutoring may be offered either directly through the virtual learning environment of a tutoring service or via a link in a learning management system.
The tutoring may take the form of a group of learners/students simultaneously logged in and receiving instruction from a single tutor, also known as many-to-one tutoring. This is often known as e-moderation, defined as the facilitation of the achievement of goals of independent learning, learner autonomy, self-reflection, knowledge construction, collaborative or group-based learning,

Therefore, the use of online tutorial system as a tool to digitally communicate knowledge is a necessity in an ever increasing world of technology depends on its ability to make it accessible to student at large throughout the department with a website as the platform through the internet.
The reliance of students for fast mobile information and communication has greatly taken its toll on many educational institutions and schools. Thus, a fast and quick development has begun in many schools in the world using online tutoring systems as a tool.  Such advancement includes the employment of an instructive platform powered by a website as seen in various universities, polytechnics, colleges and down to faculties and departments.
The intent of  an online tutoring system is to create a web-based platform (a collection of electronic files and web-modules residing on one or more web servers) that presents content (including interactive features or interfaces) to the end user in the form of web pages once requested. Such elements as text, forms, and bit-mapped images (GIFs, JPEGs, and PNGs) can be organized on the page using HTML, XHTML, or XML tags. Displaying more complex media (vector graphics, animations, videos, sounds) usually requires plug-ins such as Flash, QuickTime, Java run-time environment, etc. Plug-ins are also embedded into the web pages by using HTML or XHTML tags.
          The latest standards and proposals aim to lead the various browsers’ ability to deliver a wide variety of media and accessibility options to the client possibly without employing plug-ins.
The web site of Computer Science Technology department of the Federal College of Agriculture Ishiagu  (its portal) is a vital instrument that integrates several sectors of its offices and units into this electronic tool for a speedy and effective means of information dissemination, interaction with people and for delivery of services to the students of the department majorly.
The department of computer science and technology started as a department in the year 2009/2010 as the only computer related discipline in the Federal College of agriculture, Ishiagu.
The federal college of agriculture, Umudike and at Ishiagu as the training wing of national root crop research institute situated at Umudike, in Abia state. She still trains staff of NRCRI in advance certificate, national and higher diplomas.
The relocation of the college to Ishiagu in 1993 made way for the establishment of federal university of agriculture now Michael Opara University of agriculture Umudike.
Ishiagu being the new location is quite suitable for academic and agricultural work. Presently, the college occupies an area of 200 hectares.

The main objectives of this work is to design an online tutorial system through the aid of a website to deliver online lectures and effective tutoring for the students of the department of Computer Science Technology Federal College of Agriculture Ishiagu, in other to aid in lectures system and allow the student to think independently and also reduce the burden of the modern lecturers.
          The objective of the study focuses on the following:
·                    To allow teachers and lecturers to prepare and deliver lectures, notes and the ability to offer that training anywhere, anytime.
·                    The ability to allow teachers optimize the timeliness and focus of the curriculum.
·                    To provide a platform to ease the flow of information and relationship between students and lecturers.
·                    To allow students think independently and promote team work.
·                    Providing information on homework and class assignments.
·                    Display school/departmental curriculum courses and course outline.
·                    Students can better fit learning time into their schedules.
·                    Providing the most up-to-date content at much lower cost.
Furthermore, online learning is a still a relatively young industry, promising a rich future of breakthroughs. As new models of teaching are already emerging that have the potential to take online learning to even greater accomplishments.

This project work focus mainly on the design and implementation of a web based online tutorial system which can transform into a global class accessible to virtually every departmental student worldwide.The system is strictly based on lecturers management and student’s communication, online seminars, suggestions and especially for effective independent learning.

The research of this work is limited to federal college of agriculture Ishiagu Ebonyi state.
Many limitations encountered, were in the process of gathering information for the development of this project work to this extent.  It was not an easy task, so many constraints were encountered during the collection of data.
The limitation focuses of the following constraints;
i.                     FINANCIAL CONTRAINTS: the cost of sourcing for information and data that are involved in this work is high in the sense that we all know that information is money.
ii.                 TIME: A lot of time was involved in writing and developing this work,
iii.              Irregularities in power supply also dealt harshly with the researcher.

The design and implementation of a web-based online tutoring system would provide extensive, dynamic methods of lecturing with the state of the art techniques and up to date materials for the usability of the students, while tracking latest changes in the educational world.
Through this system the department can support group learning within the technology without the need for face-to-face meetings or pictures. While lecturers are able to perceive and interpret online behaviours of students participating, lectures can be delivered 24/7 round the clock anywhere at anytime.
     Lastly, we can also get the most important aspect of it with a well implemented Learning Management System (LMS), it makes it easier to track and prove progress for staffs and learners. This can be essential for our most popular courses where proof of mandatory training is required.

Website: web site, in computer science, file, of information located on a server connected to the World Wide Web (www).
HTML (Hypertext Markup language): Is the language used by the web to define and display and its files. These files can contain text, or multimedia HTML files are ASCII text files that contain the text to be displayed and the markup tags that tell how to display them.
www: The www (W3) or world web is a set of protocols and software that allow the global computer network called the internet to display multimedia documents.
Server: A computer that supplies services or data to other machines on a local area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN) such  as the internet
Password: This is a measure of protection against intruders from gaining access to the documents and secrete information.
Database: Any collection of data organized for storage in a computer memory and designed for easy access by authorized users.
Database Update: This simply means applying and maintaining changes on a database after data must have been added, removed or modified
System Administrator: This is a person responsible for maintaining and operating a computer system.
DHTML – (Dynamic Hypertext Mark-up Language). It is a combination of HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript and Macromedia Flash Mx used to create animated and interactive websites.
PHP – (Hypertext Preprocessor). These languages work closely with the Web server to interpret the requests made from the World Wide Web, process these requests, interact with other programs on the server to fulfil the requests, and then indicate to the Web server exactly what to serve to the client’s browser.
SQL – Structured Query Language, used in querying the databases to retrieve, updates, and review database
CSS: (Cascading Style Sheet) a client-side scripting language, used in styling the web pages for a greater user-experience.
ASP: (Active Server Pages) a server-side scripting language like the PHP. These languages work closely with the Web server to interpret the requests made from the World Wide Web, process these requests, interact with other programs on the server to fulfill the requests, and then indicate to the Web server exactly what to serve to the client’s browser.
SERVER – A specific application, called a Web server, will be responsible for communicating with the browser.
WEBSITE – A website is a collection of information about a particular topic or subject
APACHE – A server technology, designed to assist the webmaster in utilizing database and Server technology.
BROWSER: A client software that allows a user to read and retrieve HTML document/information from a web site. Examples of browsers include internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera etc.
JOOMLA: A tool for web-based design, management and database system.

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