Friday 27 November 2015


1.0  Introduction
The design and implementation of digital libraries in our educational institutions will ease accessibility and reduce the physical contact library users make with library resources when sourcing information.
The world has become global village, due to the emergence of the internet, which have impacted on virtually all spheres of human endeavor ranging from banking, medicine, law, engineering Okeke,(1999).Digital library has the capacity to take over the traditional libraries.
The Oxford English dictionary (eight edition) defines library as the building in which collection of books, tapes, newspaper, etc are kept for user consultation (uni. press, 2015). Similarly, Webster’s twentieth century dictionary also defines a library as; a room or private institution in charge of the care and circulation of such a collection; and a collection of books especially a large systematically arranged collection for reading, studying and referencing Websiterter,(2015)

Ugwanyi ,(1997) states that a library is “a collection of written printed or other graphic materials including films, slides, phonographic records and tapes housed organized and interpreted to meet broad and varying needs of people for information knowledge recreation and aesthetic enjoyment”.
Library is a place meant for acquisition of knowledge through the reading of textbooks, journals magazines and other resources materials within a time frame. This makes library an important aspect of life, especially for those in the academics such as students, lectures, and information seek in general.
However in recent times, the need has risen for libraries to go online; by this many libraries management have found it imperative for their resources to be made available to the entire world through web-based system.  Digital Library System (DLS) extends and integrate approaches adopted in traditional libraries as well as in distributed information systems, to yield high-end information systems, services and institutions.  In the course of this research, parts or components of digital libraries are  discussed and utilized.
1.1  Theoretical Background
 Since the emergence of the internet, information acquisition /sharing all over the world have become relatively easy. Libraries can be accessed from any part of the globe via the internet, books and other materials download in real time.
A web based library is also known as digital library or electronic library. It is a library in which collections or book resources are stored in a digital format as could be printed, downloaded, and accessible by computer via the internet network (Greenstein et al, 2002). A digital library can also be seen as a potentially virtual organization that comprehensively collects, manages, and preserves for the long depth of time rich digital content, and offers to its targeted user communities specialized functionality on that content of defined quality and according to comprehensive codified policies Canadela. et al, (2011). Web based library is a remarkable concept in that no matter the location of registered individuals, books can be accessed or read online. The books in the context of web based library system refer to e-book (electronic books) that exists in format such as document (doc), portable document format (Pdf) etc.
Information is arguably the most valuable resource in the World, hence it is important to make it available when needed. The internet has facilitated the sharing of information all over the globe, thereby enhancing accessing and sharing of library collections or resources.
The terms digital library and electronic library are used interchangeably and synonymously. The term “virtual library” or library without wall usually refer to the meta resource subject portals that extends virtual accessibility of digital collection from several diverse sources without the user even knowing where the resource actually resides. A virtual library would potentially be enormous, linking, huge collection from all around the globe, or it could be very small consisting of few hundred links to digital resources maintained by an individual. However digital library has a web-enabled computerized catalogue which is accessible through the internet and must of the in house services acquisition, book processing and circulation are computerized .A digital library has a strong presence in the internet with a home page for the library providing an integrated access interface not only to digital collection available locally but also to be other commercial and non-commercial web-based digitalized collection across the world.
1.1     Statement of the Problem
The present state of our learning library does not   support our modern state of learning due to its lack of support for multiple users at a particular time, time inefficiency and need for physical presence by user.
1.3  Aims and Objectives of the study   
The specific aim of this research work is to design and implement a digital library system with the following features:
(i)         To create a user friendly interface system for the library users to enhance their efficiency in the use of the library.
(ii)       To create variety of access services for searching, browsing and discovering resources.
(iii)     To organize library resources by indexing, cataloging, and use of finding aids (search aids).
(iv)     To eliminate loaning and acquisition of the library resources through the use of digital l
(v)       Reduce the cost of maintaining a traditional library.

1.4  Significance of the Study
       The work, when completed will be mostly beneficial to the library users who wish to access the library resources from distant places. It will be beneficial to the librarians as it enhances the management of the library resources.  It will create awareness on the need of web based library system to those who still adopt manual method of sharing library resources. It will serve as a guide to the members of public who may want to research further in this area.
Furthermore, research work will provide security for library resources through the development of a comprehensive database that will be used to house the library resources.  The system will also eliminate some of the routine manual work prevalent in a traditional library.

 1.5 Scope of the Study
       The scope of this research work is to create a digital library System that will have the following features of an e-library system.
Information indexing/cataloguing,
Classification of library resource,
Searching and retrieval (downloading),
Registration of books/uploading of digital resources,
Registration of users,
Database management,
This research work does not incorporate audio files. It also does not have a provision for online payment for library resources.  
1.7 Organization of the Research
The work is arranged in five chapters, chapter one introduces the work, states the theoretical background, statement of the problems, define the aim and objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study’ limitation of the study, and organization of the research. Chapter two gives the review of related literature. Chapter three shows the analysis and design of the system while chapter four is on the development and implementation of the system developed. Chapter provides summary, conclusion, and recommendations of the entire research work.

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