Sunday 29 November 2015


This research work is concise and generally summarizes the activities duly carried out in the design and implementation of a computerized stock management system for a manufacturing organization. The system is designed to efficiently handle the movement and tracking of goods through the replacement of human workers by technology. The manual method or intervention is labour intensive, costly, and error prone and cannot ensure the inventory remains up-to-date due to oversight and internal shrinkage. With the proposed new system, inventory can be updated in real time without product movement, scanning, or human involvement. The automated or computerized system allows inventory status to be determined and shipping and receiving documents to be generated automatically triggering automatic orders for products that are low in inventory. The study outlines the main concepts of the analysis and design methodology of the proposed system, compares it to the existing and goes further to explain the design and implementation of the system using Visual Basic 6.0 for the database. The fact finding techniques employed is interview, observation, online and library research. 



A stock management system is a key part of the supply chain and primarily aims to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse and process the associated transactions, including shipping, receiving, put away and picking. The systems also direct and optimize warehouse put away based on real-time information about the status of bin utilization.
The objective of a stock management system is to provide a set of computerized procedures to handle the receipt of warehouse and returns into a warehouse facility, model and manage the logical representation of the physical storage facilities (e.g. racking etc), manage the warehouse within the facility and enable a seamless link to order processing and logistics management in order to pick, pack and ship product out of the facility.
In its simplest form, the stock management system can data track products during the production process and act as an interpreter and message buffer between existing ERP (Enterprise resource planning) and stock management systems. Stock Management is not just managing within the boundaries of a warehouse today; it is much wider and goes beyond the physical boundaries. Inventory management, inventory planning, cost management, IT applications & communication technology to be used are all related to warehouse management. The container storage, loading and unloading are also covered by warehouse management today. Even production management is to a great extent dependent on stock management. Efficient stock management gives a cutting edge to a retail chain distribution company. Warehouse management does not just start with receipt of material but it actually starts with actual initial planning when container design is made for a product. Warehouse design and process design within the warehouse (e.g. Wave Picking) is also part of warehouse management. Warehouse management is part of Logistics and SCM.
Warehouse Management monitors the progress of products through the warehouse. It involves the physical warehouse infrastructure, tracking systems, and communication between product stations.
Warehouse management deals with receipt, storage and movement of goods, normally finished goods, to intermediate storage locations or to final customer. In the multi-echelon model for distribution, there are levels of warehouses, starting with the Central Warehouse(s), regional warehouses services by the central warehouses and retail warehouses at the third level services by the regional warehouses and so on. The objective of warehousing management is to help in optimal cost of timely order fulfillment by managing the resources economically.

Warehouse management monitors the progress of the products through the warehouse. It involves the physical warehouse infrastructure tracking system and communication between product stations. 
Ware house management         deals with  receipt storage and monetary goods, normally finished goods to intermediate storage location or to final customer. In multi echelon model for distribution, there are the levels of  are house starting with the central warehouse(s),regional warehouse and retail warehouse at the third level services by the regional warehouse and so on. The objective of warehouse is to help in optimal cost of timely order fulfillment by the resources economically.
Effison limited  is the focuse of impact of this project; effison limited is a warehouse that controls the progress of progress of goods and merchandise kept on its premises available for distribution. The company has the problem of insecurity, high cost of operation and delay in supply arises. Data processing in Effison limited is presently carried out using people, paper, pen to control the stock and inventory.        


This project gives a company the convenience of controlling the activity in the warehouse and thereby giving information to managers to assist in proper decision making the company. This project is pursued with Effison Limited as the focus of impact.  The major modules of the project are:
User login module:
This module would be the first to appear when a user launches the proposed system. These would help to ensure that un-authorized user don’t have access to the system. At start-up users would be required to login with their username and password.
Reports module:
This module would be used for managerial staff for proper decision making in the day- to – day activity of the company.
Customer module:
This module would be responsible in registering a customer into the company database. This information used during the registration process would then be used during shipping to direct goods to the appropriate customer
New item module:
This would be responsible for the acknowledgment of goods into the warehouse.
Warehouse update module:
This module would be used during the process of updating the quantity of a particular good in the warehouse.

The majority of the problems that occur in the warehouse occur because of a lack of control: a lack of inventory control, operational control and or management control. To become a dynamic, consistent organization, all the operation must be under control. In order to achieve this control, all the tools and technology available has to be used to get control and manage the warehouse operation. A control system is a means, mechanism or procedure by which we manage these operations
In Effison Limited the method used in tracking goods involves the traditional record keeping and identifying products according to written labels. Inventory management and distribution typically relies on a traditional process of taking a physical inventory of products and manually ordering refills, while also eliminating product that is nearing or passed its expiry.
In the recording of a transaction only a single employee at a time is able to enter the record on a ledger book and furthermore some goods are not entered in the book but sold directly. Reports are not generated daily, weekly or monthly but only on a yearly basis and this cause mishandling of funds among the employees. The warehouse does not have a backup and recovery for the products of transactions journals made for the inventory items. Security is not there because the users and the administrators both perform the same tasks.
 The recording of sales and cash received are done manually on a book that appears rough. Thus, the books are exposed to physical damage, information can be lost and dust particles are accumulated.
The long list of supply orders waiting to be attended to on daily basis.
The control system is time consuming, less accurate and less efficient, and the environment is not user friendly.
Inaccuracies often ensue from human error.
The manual system is quite tedious and can be reduced or eliminated with the introduction of the proposed system.


Stock management within warehouses is a challenge given the characteristic value specific nature of the products. Global visibility of finished and semi-finished products can greatly improve both inventory turnover and maximize production efficiency. One of  the major goals in Stock Management is to track, store and move goods and materials efficiently; keeping inventory levels down while still always having enough products on hand. Picking and packing, controlling logistics documents, and in and outbound monitoring are all part of this process. The operations of this software include the following:
·        Lowering Working Capital
·        Increase inventory turns
·        Managing Fixed Assets & Resources
·        Improve physical inventory process,
·        Prevent selling expired products.
·        To keep track of all transaction to prevent any losses.
·        To conduct casual analysis to identify common trends in transaction by means of reports.
·        To prevent the company from running out of warehouses.


The Stock management system is intended to cover all the operations of the company. The scope and tasks of the research project include finding out the scale of implementation of stock management system and perceived barriers for adoption, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of warehouse management system currently adopted by the industry as a whole. Stock management is a challenge given the characteristics value specific nature of the product.
This study material will help in automated data collection in the stock management system thereby reducing the cost of labour and increase the accuracy of data and easy access of the inventory exits in the warehouse. Also this study enhances increase in the effectiveness of the service provided to the customers by reducing the cycle time.
Customers service like first in first out, cross docking, order tracking and automated material handling are some of the area that finds and increase the efficiency of similar items and location can be categorized, more detail are also maintained such as exact dimension weight, rank, in which it is stored, hazard classification weather it is a finished goods or a raw material, weather it is fast mover or slow mover e.t.c all these data item have to be stored in the database. therefore computerized stock management are gaining important in logistic nowadays.

1.7      LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY         
This project was constrained by the following factors:
(a) Financial Constraints
Bearing in mind the economic state of the nation, it was found difficult in making both ends meet, because of the exorbitant nature of things nowadays in travelling for the collection of data needed for the project.
(b) Time Constraints
Looking at the interval between the resumption and vacation of the final semester for the project to be completed, the time given seemed to be short for the collection of required information for better work to be done.
(c) Non-Availability of Material
During this project, it was noticed that the required materials needed for the project are not documented.  Those that were documented lacked storage facilities where they can be reached.
This project will demonstrate the implementation of a computerized stock management system of a warehouse. Creating an automated application of plan and manage the delivery of goods within their warehouse, thereby controlling all inventories of a warehouse.
Questions I asked myself.
What will this project do?
This project will help control an inventory and exit of goods and products within a warehouse and also control all the activities and information for effective decision making.

Automation: This is the use of technology or computers to control and process data reducing the need for human intervention. 
Database: This refers to a large store of related data on a computer that a user can access and modify.
Password: This is a secret code that must be entered into a computer to enable access to its applications. It is made up of numbers, letters, special characters or a combination of any of the above categories.
Inventory Control System: A list of orders to be filled, and prompts workers to pick the necessary items and provides them with packaging and shipping information.
Computerization: This is the conversion of a manually operated system to a controlled, organized and automated system.
Research: A careful study of a subject to discover facts, establish a theory or develop a plan of action based on the facts discovered.
System: A set of computer components functioning together.
Technology: The study of techniques of mobilizing resources such as information for accomplishing objectives that benefit man and his environment.
Software: A computer program or set of instructions that direct a computer to perform processing functions.
Information System: A collection of procedures, people, instructions and equipment to produce information in a useful form.
Processing: This is dealing with something according to an established procedure.         

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