Friday 27 November 2015


1.0                                            INTRODUCTION

Throughout commercial airline history, the timely movement of aircraft, passengers and cargo has required the even more timely movement of information. This was never truer than today, where information has become not just an operational tool, but a competitive weapon. To capitalize on this information, the technological revolution and the information society have brought us a dazzling set of capabilities. But, they have also brought us a bewildering array of options for services, costs, methods and products. Many managers find themselves faced with too much of a good thing, too many alternatives. But, airline today means business. Commerce and tourism are the engines of economic development in today's world. In Airline industry, Airlines, airports, and even governments are competing against each other for travel related income. Staying in front means making investments in enhanced customer service tools, improved management awareness, quicker access to operational information, etc.  All of the technology and service options, and the need to make rapid, well informed decisions, means that many organizations are finding it increasingly difficult, and expensive, to find and retain staff to meet the demands. The effective use of Airline Information System can help solve this problem.
Multi-database system for seat reservation and ticketing is a very powerful integrated computer-based system for managing the technical operations activities of an airline, or aircraft fleet operator.  The system can be used worldwide by large and small companies operating many types of fixed and rotary-wing aircraft. 
The software designed will be used to collect, store, and analyze information about seat reservation and ticketing within the industry.  

1.1 Background of the Study
Aero contractors company of Nigeria Limited known as Aero Contractors or simply Aero, is a state controlled by Nigeria aviation company based of Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Ikeja, Lagos State Nigeria. It operates helicopter services and fixed wing domestic and international scheduled passenger service, air charter and third party aircraft operations, largely in support of Nigerians extensive oil and gas industry.
          A piper PA-23 Aztec Six-seat charter aircraft of Aero contractors in 1970, pictured at Warri Airport after a flight Lagos Ikeja Airport.
          Aero contractors was formed in 1959 and officially registered in Nigeria in 1960. At that time, it was a wholly owned by Schreiner Airways B.V. of the Netherlands.
          It became a company with initially 40% Nigerian Holding in 1973 and subsequently 60% in 1976, anticipating the requirements of the Nigerian Enterprises promotion Decree of 1977, also known as the indigenization decree.
          In January 2004, Schreiner Airways was bought by CHC Helicopter (CHC) which acquired 40% holding in Aero, while the 60% majority share remained within the Ibru Family.
          On 1 July 2010, CHC sold its interest in Aero for consideration of 1Nigreria Naira, when Aero became wholly owned by the Ibru family.
          In March 2013, industrial action grounded flights for 18days, in a dispute over out sourcing and reduction in staff numbers. The strike, from 13-28 march grounded Aero’s active flect of nine aircraft, and was reported to have cost the airline at least N10bn in ticket sales.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
As aviation industry is expanding, a lot of airlines are coming up. The passengers need to book for their flight tickets. The manual method of going to their local offices to book for their flight ticket is becoming obsolete and tasking. Flight schedule information needs to be publicized to passengers. Hence the need for a wide range of publicity and enabling direct information passage to the centers.   
Every Airline company is charged with the responsibility of ensuring to give safe and comfortable service for its customers. To ensure this quality of service, the companies which works on this business should reach to their customers and give a quality service to computer in the market, and this include easy ticket reservation and cancelation system.
In the manual system, the daily reservation list for all flights is generated and sent, very often they cannot put up the reservation list on the time, owing to the inefficiencies in the manual system, when passengers cancel tickets, and the reservation list is not updated in time. They maintain a waiting list which is used to update the reservation list when passengers cancel tickets. Currently, the manual system handles all requests for changes in reservation. It treats a change of this kind as a cancellation, and reissues tickets. Reservation opens few days before the scheduled departure date. Based on the availability of seats the tickets are issued. Each ticket, whether confirmed or wait-listed, has a unique identification number. This number is generated in serial order, the reservation clerk records the amount of fare paid for the ticket in cash collection register. A passenger can cancel ticket by submitting a cancellation from with ticket depending on the difference in hours between the departure and cancellation the passenger loses certain percentage of the fare.
Limitation of Manual System
i.                   The limitations of the manual system are only few booking could be made due to manual operation.
ii.                 It takes enormous amount of manual of time for recording transactions.
iii.              Requires a large amount of manual laborers
iv.              Customers should go to ticket offices to reserve a ticket and cancel it.
Proposed System
In order to overcome the drawback in the manual system, it was decided to create a system which is integrated, reliable, consistent, flexible and secure. This system helps in speedy information retrieval, responds to various queries made at different levels of management. The system is menu driven and user friendly with attractive HTML interface. It assists the user with respective messages to overcome the errors at runtime. The designed in such a way that the reservation list is available on time before the scheduled departure time. The reservation list reflects the latest status with respect to the cancellation of tickets that helps the wait-listed.
          Passenger in knowing their present status, in the new system customers could reserve and cancel tickets from anywhere which have an internet access.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
In developing an airline seat reservation system, we will always keep in mind to provide to the users the best usability, flexibility and security. Therefore, we need to make the user interface very flexible and understandable.  Moreover, since the record updates is a database we need to consider about security issues so that flight reservation information retrieval is not interrupted. The new system is designed to take care of the following:
       i.            Create an online system for customers to view all domestic flights.
     ii.            Create an online system for customers to view domestic flight schedule and their flight rate.
  iii.            Enable online flight reservations.
  iv.            Give online access to passenger’s suggestions or complaint on flight operations.
     v.            Showcase flight maintenance information to customers
  vi.            Give passengers access to send their complaint about flight operations or services.
vii.            Creates online news publication for flight operators accessible to customers. Makes available the number of flights operated by an airline.
viii.            Maintain a robust database for flight information management 

1.4 Significance of the Study
In view of the rapid development of computer technology in virtually all fields of operation and its use in relation to information management, it has become important to look into the development of an seat reservation system to meet up with demands of the present day society. Therefore, the reservation booking helps so that management can obtain data regarding the flight reservations at any time. 
 The project is aimed at designing, a new and better alternative system to help the organization to: - 
(a) Produce available operational reports when needed. 
(b) Safeguard data and information in the system. 
(c) Reduced workload in the present system.
(d) Keep accurate record on flight reservations
(e) Reduce time wasted in data processing.
(f) Check luggage costs
(g) Make sure the airline you choose allows you to amend your travel dates.
(h) Consider where you will be making a layover.
Research Question
In the course of this research work the researcher frame some research question which was design for the respondents and that will be administered to them, which are as follow;
1.     How do the customers make their reservation for their flight?
2.     How do you disseminate information to you customer informing them of any news and information?
3.     Is there any need for the automation of the system as compared with the present system?
Research Hypothesis
The researcher form a hypothesis which will be tested for the course of study, saying:
HI: There is a significance difference between the old and the new system?
HO: There is no significance difference between the new and the old system?
HI: Information system and technology has brought positive change to the management.
HO:  information system and technology has brought any change to the management rather negative.

1.6 Scope of the Study 
This project work will cover all aspect of flight reservation, confirmation of tickets, and flight schedule information. The project is a case study of Aero
Airlines Nig Ltd.
The above stated objectives of the system are being outline and the new system when implemented in the industry will improve and reduce the stress and problems face currently in the old system. 
Limitation of the Old System:
The limitation of the old system are currently the problem faced by both the staff of industry and their customers;
       i.            In ability to book a flight in all the states in Nigeria by the industry’s customers.
     ii.            Computerization of staff information and customer’s record.
  iii.            Online payment by customer’s to the industry.
The listed limitation were some of the problems discovered in the old system in which the proposed new system is being design to solve the problem.
1.7      Limitations of Study
During this research work, there were lots of limitation and they include:
       i.            Lack of limitation enough information for the design of a new system due to poor understanding of the effects of the users of computer system.
     ii.            Error in data collected for the analysis and design of the new system
  iii.            Distortion due to human factors such as stress, sickness, fatigue and weakness of the body with in the period of this project work.
  iv.            Lack of enough funds.

1.8     Definition of Terms

FAAN Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria

IATA International Air Transport Association

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

Black box Black box in computer science is a unit whose internal structure is unknown but whose function is documented.

Black box testing - Black box testing is where the tester is presented with the specification of a component to be tested and uses this to derive the test cases. This has the advantage that the tester need no information about the code used in the component and need not understand its internal structure. This is also a disadvantage in that knowledge of the code can aid in devising tests which will thoroughly exercise the program.

MIS- Management Information System is the system that stores and retrieve information and data, process them, and present them to the management as information to be used in making decision.

MCS- Management Control system is a form of Information System used by the management of an organization to analyze each application of information system in terms of input, storage, processing and output.

Databases:      A systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so that it can be automatically retrieved or manipulated. It is also called databank.

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