Sunday 29 November 2015


1.0                                        INTRODUCTION
A designed and well implemented computerized employee information system can provide smooth running of employee management in Nigerian Universities; but up till now, offices were usually equipped with paraphernalia of stores, Cabinets, shelves and lots of files in file jackets. This also include simply put Information retrieval, processing and storage.
Therefore, without ready and processed information, work would be very difficult if not impossible.

Computer has been said by lay people as a wonder machine. The wonderful phenomenon attached to it sterns from its ability to store large volumes of data and information. Simply put with computers. we need not design the modem office with shelves, because files and over flowing papers, no long exist.
The concept of “Management Information System is to make available, ready and accurate information to the rightful user at the right time. Therefore this information is continuously being used by management of the College to make its decisions.
Computer steps into achieving all these for storing large volume of date, despite the department they emanate from and it can equally disseminate this information to the offices that needs it.

1.1 Statements of the Problem
After a detailed and careful analysis of the existing system of information storage at Federal College of Agriculture lshiagu. Certain problems were discovered which this project will find appropriate solution to.
These identified problems were lack of automated system, to store and retrieve information about any staff of the college.
Loss of employment file jackets, owing to heaps of jackets stockpiled for many years.
Alteration of employee records due to unauthorized access to file jackets.
1.2 Background of the Study.
Federal College of Agriculture Ishiagu Formerly School of agriculture, Umudike, was originally established at Umudike. It was built by the public works department Eastern Region. With colonial development and welfare fund, the College was opened by the Hon. Minister for agriculture .Eastern Nigeria. Hon. E. Emole on 29th October, 1955.
The College was established to meet the needs to train agricultural Extension agents to cope with the ever increasing needs for extension agents to educate the farmers and man the various government agricultural development projects.
The college commenced with the training of Agricultural assistants [AA] for duration of six months up to 1962.The students were trained at three locations; Umudike, Abak farm centre and Abakaliki poultry centre from 1963 .The duration of the course was extended to one year and only at school of agriculture Umudike. The diploma course to train assistant agricultural superintendent was also introduced. (
1.3 Objective of the Study
The aims and objective of this research work are:
i. A system that will store and retrieve information about any employee of federal college of Agriculture Ishiagu whenever requested.
ii. A system that will not permit unauthorized access to the records of the employees of the college.
iii. Systems that can identify the number of staffs the college has and deliver data for accurate planning of staff welfare.
iv. A system that will reduce the over flowing of file jackets in the offices
v. A systems that will retrieve the ‘Information of an employee of the college at prompt
vi. A system that will permit updating of the information of the employees of the college
vii. A system that will era the easy and efficient management of the information of the employees of the college
x. A system that will save a significant amount of time for clerical duties in the office
xi. A system that will prevent the lost of file jackets in an office
1.4 Importance of the Study
In fact the most important aspects of this study are that, it is going to lead to entire computerization of the college staff record.
It is going to lead to the creation of system analysis department in the college It will further launch the usage of computer in the offices of federal college of agriculture 1shiagu.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study.
The scopes of this work are as follows.
       i.            Survey of the existing system.
     ii.            Analysis of the existing system.
  iii.            Designing of an automated system for information storage and retrieval, in the college.

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