Friday 27 November 2015



Automated school fees payment system is a research work that will help build an effective information management system for Anglican Girl's grammar secondary school within the admin department. The designed software will serve as a more reliable and effective means of documenting school fees payment and cash payment and eliminate errors associated with the manual method of recording payment details. This project work made use of data collected from the secondary school library, and journals.  The aim of this project work is to achieve the following; to effectively and efficiently process students school fees payment and document it, to provide a reliable and transparent system devoid of personal inclinations and interest and to provide borderless access to ensure prompt retrieval. The implementation of the computer-based school fee payment documentation system was carried out using Visual basic languages, Access database. The result obtained from this work was the design of an efficient system that will help to enhance the system of school fees payment, with minimal cases of error so as to give room for accuracy and transparency. In conclusion, the work met all the objectives intended.


Title page                                                                                          i                
Approval Page                                                                                  ii           
Dedication                                                                                         iii
Acknowledgment                                                                              iv     
Table of contents                                                                              v-vii
Abstract                                                                                            viii           
1.0     Introduction                                                                                      1  
1.1     Background of  the Study                                                                 2-4
1.2     Statement of the Problem                                                                 4
1.3     Aims and Objectives of the Study                                           5
1.4     Significance of the Study                                                                  6
1.5     Scope of the Study                                                                  6
1.6     Limitation of the Study                                                           6
1.7     Definition of Terms                                                                 7-8

2.0     Introduction                                                                                      9-10
2.1     Record Management                                                               10-11
2.2     Automated Payment Systems                                                 11-13   
2.3     Reasons for Automation of Cash Operation                                    13
2.4     Computerized Recordkeeping/ Accounting System                          13-14
2.5     Definitions of Record Management                                         14-15
2.6     Managing Electronic Records                                                  15-16
2.7     Methods and Types of Electronic Payment                                      16-17
2.8 Role of Information Technology in the Academic System          17-19
2.8.1 Data and Information                                                              20-21
2.8.2 Computer Based Information Systems                                              21-23

3.1     General Description                                                                24
3.2     Fact Finding Method Used                                                      24-25         
3.3     System Requirements                                                             25-26     
3.4     Program Design                                                                       26
3.5     Database Design                                                                      28
3.6     System Design                                                                         28-29
3.7     System Flowchart                                                                             29
3.8     Program Flowchart                                                                 30
3.9     Use Case Diagram                                                                            31-33

4.1     Implementation                                                                       34      
4.2     System Sub Function and Implementation                             34-35
4.3     Sub System Implementation                                                   35-37    
4.4     Program Testing                                                                     38 
4.5     Program Implementation                                                                  38
4.6     Software Testing                                                                     38-39
4.7     Program Procedural Chat                                                                 40

5.1     Summary                                                                                41
5.2     Conclusion                                                                                       42
5.3     Recommendation                                                                              43
References                                                                                         44-46
Appendix A “ Program Source Code
Appendix B “ Input and Output Format
          The essence of obtaining an education is for better adaptation in society, and to be able to make an impact therein. The desire to acquire knowledge is the natural feeling of mankind and every human being whose mind is not debauched will be willing to give all that is required of him/her to get knowledge.
It is based on this fact that educational institutions have been set up for people to enroll and learn. However a there is always a price to be paid for such knowledge. This price is commonly referred to as ‘School Fee’ or ‘tuition fee’.
According to Oxford Dictionary (6th Edition), fee is defined as an amount of money that one pays for professional services. Simply put, school fee is that fixed interval payment made by a student or students to the school he or she attends. From the definition, one can outline that school fee payment supposed to be in a regular interval that is timely, however atimes such fees are not paid as at when expected. This could be as a result of financial challenges on the part of the student.
Late payment of school fees creates a lot of problems for school management. When students refuse to pay their school fees in time, the school management lacks the financial strength to be as effective as expected. Apart from the management being ineffective financially, students also face challenges such as   not being allowed to write their examinations. The need for  ‘computer  based’ system for fees payment necessitated this research, in order to help solve these problems of either delayed fee payment, or the students not paying at all or the fee being misused/mismanaged or stolen as a result of  a criminal attack. either on student at the course of payment or the bursary department/school management.
Using Anglican Girl's Grammar School Awkunanaw, Enugu state as a case study, the research has the intention of creating a software that could process students school fees payment to Anglican Grammar girl's bank accounts and electronically lodging individual students fees indicating name, class, category, registration number, level/class, date of payment, amount of money paid, academic session/ bank's name, account number, phone number, and other personal records etc. This will ensure timeliness and safety of payment.

Anglican Girl's Grammar School, Awkunanaw, Enugu state was founded in the year 1962 and became operational on the 15th of March with twenty-nine students. Subsequently two students arrived to make a total of thirty one students. The pioneer Principal is MissJ.O. Emelumadu (now Mrs.Muo). Three non-tutorial staff were part of the foundation workers. They are namely: Beatrice Aloanza (cook), OnamNnji and Nweke Ede (Watchmen). The school operates with the following levels JSS and SSS for the SSS science, commerce and art schools.
In this school, there is need for an automated method of keeping data, more so a greater need for an automatic school fees payment system. These would go a long way in alleviating the various problems and challenges associated with the manual method of school fees payment.
Hence it became imperative for a school fees payment system to be put in place to eliminate the shortcomings of the manual system.
Today the computer is being used in virtually every sphere of human endeavors, we can find computers everywhere around us. In fact the story of the 21st Century will be incomplete without mention of computers and their applications. It’s almost impossible to even imagine the modern facilities without the use of computers. For many individuals computer means ‘PC’, on which they can see movies, play games, prepare office sheets and manage daily planners.
Computer means much more than the term ‘PC’. A computer can simply be defined as a machine which takes instructions and perform computations and operations accordingly. These commanded instructions are known as programs and computers execute these programs to do an operation. At a time, a set of instructions can be given to a computer to perform several operations, simultaneously. This feature is a point of distinction for the computers.
Many types of computers are available these days. Depending on their usage and service application. They can be classified in various categories. Supercomputers are capable of doing trillions of calculations in fraction of seconds, so they are used as controlling units of banking transactions; to keep records of railway systems, in schools to monitor school fees payment system in the bursary department and air transportations; to conduct decent flow of telecommunication and many more complex operations can be controlled, organized and conducted by using supercomputers.
On the other hand computers are also used in conducting simple operations like billing, ticket transactions, record maintenance, security analysis etc. And even computers (PC) are also used to carry out general home based activities such as office sheet maintenance, day planner, entertainment etc. So computers are involved in every sector of life with different forms and different applications.
In modern our world everything around us like GPS, ATM machines, cell phones, petrol pumps, portable play stations and all other devices use computer controlling units to conduct their featured operations.
The processes of manual school fees payment have resulted to a lot of problems, which in turn prevent students from writing exams in time due to the slow rate of processing the school fees from the bursary department. There are also cases of misplacement of the school fee tellers because of lack of adequate storage medium.

The specific objectives of this project include:
i.        To provide a reliable and transparent system devoid of personal inclinations and interest
ii.       To provide a system that will relieve the staff and works of the academy the stress of searching files or data manually
iii.      The new system will bring an end to the issues of lost receipts or of any kind as the records and data will be stored in the new system’s database which is safe and reliable for use and operation.
iv.      The new system gives a quick access to data and modification of records if necessary.
v.       To save time (fast inputting and accessing of records)
vi.      To design a system that will be capable of generating the student receipt when payment is made and recorded with all the corresponding awaiting bills is incurred
vii.     To ensure accuracy in record keeping.
viii.    To ensure safety of the documents/records, because the system will be password aided to enhance security.

The project work will help in a good number of ways to ease the operation of the existing system of school fees payment. The new system will contribute to the efficient management of school fees payment records.

This research work is limited to school fees payment and documentation for the student of the Girl's grammar secondary school, Awkunanaw, Enugu. The resultant software is developed using Visual Basic, MS Access, so as to manage both the database and the Graphical user interface (GUI).

Some of the constraints that outcome of this work include:
Resources: The cost of hardware, software, site design, online distribution cost, maintenance of site and time constraint; all these factored into the cost of providing the product.
Power supply: Non Availability of stable, efficient and reliable power supply is also a limitation of this project as it is dependent on electricity.
The bandwidth, which means how quickly information travels between the computer where your web site is located (your Web server), and the visitor’s computer. In spite of the fact that 56.6kbps modems, and even 10Mbps cable modems are becoming more common, many people on the internet are still using 28.8kbps modems.
Computer Network: Computer Network is a system that connects two or more computers together using a communication link. (Bufts 1989) World Wide Web: World Wide Wed simply called www is the most important tool of the Internet. (Jeff 20010)
Databases: A systematically arranged collection of computer data, structured so that it can be automatically retrieved or manipulated. It is also called databank. (Adoca 2001)
File Transfer: Any kind of computer file can be sent via the Internet from one Internet user to another. Table of accounts on spreadsheets, design by a graphic artists, music sound files etc, can all be exchanged in this way. (Smith 1999)
Web Brower: This is a special kind of software that processes hypertext make-up language (HTML) document. In other words, a web browser is a computer program that interprets HTML command to collect, arranged and display the parts of a web page. (Cleff 2000)
Web Site: A website is a collection of many interconnected web pages organized by a specific college, organization company etc, containing web pages (good and commodities) on the Internet. Web site are stored on web servers. There are many web site and thousand of HTML pages on each web site. A web site is a treasure of information and entertainment. ( Donald 1986)
Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks are highlighted words and phrase you find on web documents that you can click on as to jump to some other documents or Internet services. ( Clex 1990)
Offline: Disconnected from computer network; describes a computer terminal or peripheral device disconnected from a computer network. (Wikipedia 2011)
System: Set of computer components that is, an assembling of hardware, software and peripherals functioning together. ( Fans 2011)
Automation: This is the use of control system such as computer to control and process data, reducing the need for human intervention.
Database: This refers to a large store of related data on a computer that can be accessed and modified by the user.
Record: is a document made or received in the course of a practical activity as an instrument or a by-product of such activity, and set aside for action or reference.
Password: This is a secret code that a user must type into a computer to enable him access it or its applications. This is composed of numbers, letter, special character or a combination of any of the above categories.
Receipt: a piece of written note that attests to a payment made to one another caring the amount paid and balance if incurred usually signed by both party or one end. 


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