Saturday 17 August 2019


This study has examined the impact of employee’s participation on decision making in Nigerian Public sector and the research objectives of the study were: to find out how Employee participation in decision making has a significant impact on organisational performance and to ascertain the level of workers participation in decision making of the organizations. The research design was descriptive in nature. To guide the study, objectives of the study, research hypotheses were designed. An in-depth review of related literature was carried out. Primary data method was used for the study and the instrument used was a questionnaire survey designed using the Likert scale questionnaire format and administered to 100 respondents. Findings in the study showed that employee’s participation in decision making impacts on the performance of organisations in Nigeria. The results of the study indicate a statistically significant relationship between employee involvement in decision making and organisational performance. The findings also reveal the involvement of participating organisations in employee involvement in decision making. The implications of this study include the need for public sector to demonstrate high level of commitment to employee involvement in decision making for performance enhancement. 



1.1 Background of Study

Decision-making in organizations has been the domain of top management but without the participation of those on the lower treads of the ranking of management, yet they are the very ones expected to see to the implementation of these decisions (McGregor, 2000).
(Marchington and Cox, 2007) saw employee participation as a feature of soft rather than hard Human Resource Management, (HRM). In organisation with a hard orientation, (Marchington and Cox, 2007) saw employee participation as a feature of soft rather than hard Human Resource Management considers that the „numbers-driven‟, cost-cutting mindset reduces participation to a one-way communication channel. This contrasts with organizations that are true believers in employees as their „greatest asset‟ where there is a strategic pledge to sharing information and views and achieving a workplace culture that meets business needs. (Bennett, 2010) describes employee participation as a form of employee voice initiative which may be seen differently by Human Resource (HR) experts and unions.
Employee participation is considered a key element in the successful implementation of new management strategies and plays an important role in determining the degree of good organizational citizenship behavior (Harber and Marriot, 2001). This in turn, increases the commitment of the employee as well as their motivation. Furthermore, Higgins (2002) argues that participation is a mental and emotional replication that will lead to the fulfillment of individual and organizational goals, especially if supported by the organization‟s climate. For instance, (Appelbaum et al., 2000) argue that the opportunity to participate in decision making helps to create trust between workers and supervisors and to produce intrinsic rewards.
 Employee participation in decision making has become a significant topic in human resource management (HRM), and is regarded as one of the chief ingredients of employee voice, which many management scholars have observed to be a growing management concept. Several studies have shown that allowing employees to participate in decision making leads to increase in motivation, job performance, and organizational growth (Kim et al, 2010; Bhuiyan, 2010; and Brown 2002).
Decision making is shared at all levels of management. It is observed that decision making in Japanese organisation are focused on defining questions or issues rather than on finding solutions. Thus all levels of the organization are involved in this process. A modern forward-looking business does not keep its employees in the dark about vital decisions affecting them. It trusts them and involves them in decision making at all levels. “Command and control” is no longer an adequate model. A more open and collaborative framework will exploit the talents of all employees (Hewitt, 2002).
In order to increase the workers commitment and humanise the workplace with the intention of improving work performance and good citizenship behaviour, managers need to permit a high degree of employee involvement (Cohen et al., 2007). Thus, the involvement of workers in decision making is considered as a tool for inducing motivation in the workers leading to positive work attitude and high productivity (Noah, 2009). It is against this background that the researcher conducts the present study to determine the impact of employee participation in Nigerian public sectors with special reference to Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC), Enugu State.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The major problem for employee participation in decision making is resistance to change by management. Managers create an organizational culture that reflects their own philosophies and styles of management and reinforce their strategies and control. Employee participation in decision making poses threat to the more autocratic manager. Many managers tend to resist participation because it is contrary to their habit-formed ways of thinking and behaving. In addition, failure to respond to employee commendations is an example that reduces employee participation in decision making. If management does not acknowledge employees endorsements, employees rapidly conclude that management has no interest in their ideas.
Many researchers have taken a more universal approach to studying employees‟ participation in decision making, arguing that participative decision making requires a certain context over and beyond a set of programs or techniques. Without the redesign of work, employee participation efforts can even have a negative effect. Participative approach such as delegation gave mixed results, especially in public organizations. In contrast, participative decision making that gives employees the opportunity to make substantive changes in their work is a tool for large-scale organizational change.
In the light of the above, this study therefore is set to determine the impact of employee’s participation in decision making and its influence on Nigerian public sector.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The purpose of the study was to identify the impact of employee participation on decision making in Nigerian Public sector. Moreover, the specific objectives are to;
      i.        examine the perception of workers towards participative management policy in the study area.
      ii.            find out how Employee participation in decision making has a significant impact on organisational performance
   iii.        ascertain the level of workers participation in decision making of the organizations.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions shall be addressed by this research:
      i.        What is the perception of workers towards participative management policy in the study area?
    ii.        does employee participation in decision making have a significant impact on organizational performance ?
   iii.        To what extent does employee of EEDC participate in decision making in the organization?

1.5  Significance of the Study

This study is designed to provide information to the populace on how public firms have faired in their practice of participative decision making and its contributions to productivity, thereby enhancing organizational efficiency. It is expected that this study will be beneficial to the management by giving enough insight into the benefits of employee participation in decision making, make clear to managers what participative management stands for hence, reducing the fear often harboured by these managers. Workers, students of business Administration and the society at large are equally the potential beneficiaries of this study.
It is equally my hope that the study would provide a basis on which further research could be carried out.

1.6 Research Hypothesis

The researcher formulates the following hypotheses based on the objectives and problems of this research work
H1: Employee participation in decision making has a significant impact on organizational performance
H2: There are significant levels of workers participation in decision making of the organizations.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The research will give more consideration to the problems associated with low productivity among workers in the public organizations where productivity level can be measured.
The study is limited to Enugu Electricity Distribution Company, Enugu State as a public sector organization

1.8 Limitations of the Study

In the course of this study, the researcher encountered lots of constraint which includes:
  • Time:  There was no insufficient of time to carryout this research such a enough time study.
  • Finance:  Also a great threat to this study because of this nature requires large funds which could not be obtained.
  • Academic Workload:  Academic workload was another limitation of this research work due to the nature of our lecture from Monday to Friday which provides little time for student to go for the information needed for the research.
  • Availability of Information:  The major limitation to this study are access to necessary related information due to the organizational set upon employee want to be involved for the fears of queries from superior officers and maybe subsequent termination of the job.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Employee/Worker: For the purpose of this study a worker is taken to mean any person who has undertaken to place his gainful activity in return for a remuneration, under the direction of another person who may be an individual, a private or public company or a corporation, who is styled the employer. (Akpala 1990)
Productivity: Productivity is the output unit / per labour input into the production process given the level of existing technology.
Management: This is the process of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, directing, coordinating and controlling available resources toward s achieving a target objective.
This will be regarded as the process by which people contribute ideas towards the solution of problems affecting the organization and allied matters.
Employee Participation
This will be taken to be when those below the top of an enterprise hierarchy take part in the managerial function of enterprise.
Decision Making
This could be taken to mean an art considering and making a judgement concerning a particular issue or issues.

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