Saturday 17 August 2019


This project was centered on online news editing system. The current process of news editing is being operated manually and due to this procedure numerous problem are been encountered. A design was taken to computerized the manual process in order to check this problem. The problems were identified after series of interviews and examination of documents after which analysis was made and a computerized procedure recommended. This project will also suggest how to successfully implement the computerized procedure and to overcome the obstacle that would hinder the successful implementation of the system. The new system will be designed using top-down design methodology and implemented using XAMPP IDE on windows 7,8,8.1 system using PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL technologies. DOWNLOAD MATERIAL (DOCX)

1.0                                    Background  Of the Study
The advent of computer technology has completely changed the way things are done globally. These effects of computer Technology can be fall in all field of study, consequently giving birth to the automation of process of activities in various field of human endeavor.
The concept of computer-assisted reporting (CAR) is a broad one. It encompasses, as Garrison (1998) explains, anything that uses computers to aid in the news-gathering process. It can involve online research and database journalism. It is sometimes called computer-assisted journalism.
According Meyer (1991), the developments in computer-assistance for reporting have come to redefine the field up to the point that journalism is now scientific. This modern use of computers in the newsroom is what Meyer identifies as precision journalism. Meyer (1991) identifies several characteristics of precision journalism. One component of modern computing in the newsroom is the use of higher-level programs that are useful in the analysis of statistics. These two packages are SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and SAS (Statistical Analysis System). These programs are an added dimension of a development that emerged in the 1950s with Hopper's computer languages. Compilers were another dimension. They enabled users to employ Hopper's computer languages on different machines. SPSS and SAS were higher-level special purpose programs that "let the user invoke them in a way that is almost like talking to the computer in plain English" (Meyer, 1991, p. 83).
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, editor come from the Latin phrase “e ditus’’ which means “to put forward’’.  Therefore, News Editing is the process of preparing language, News, for presentation to the audience, through correction, condensation, organization and other modification.  A person, who edits, especially professionally or as a hobby, is called an editor.
News editing involves reviewing text written on topical issues, and identifying errors related to the use of language in general or adherence to specific style guide. This activity ensures that News is of good quality. In large media houses, experienced function writers are dedicated to the News editing function.
News sources includes: official records, publication or  broadcasts, official in government or business, organizations or corporations, witnesses of crime, accidents or other events, and people involved with or affected by anew event or issue.
News editing gives direction and meaning to the mass of text and art provided by reporters, photojournalists and graphic artists. News editing involves selecting copy for publication, editing selected copy, designing news pages for newspapers, magazines, websites, etc. News editing is an outstanding part of the editorial process because it is the stage that prepares the sole newspaper product (i.e., information) for the consumer. If the press rolls out copies of thrash, the newspaper is well on its way to death. Editors ensure that stories are well-written and complete, without offending ethical and legal standards.
This study will seek to usher in automation of the news editing system. it is believed  that the traditional news editing system is grossly  in efficient and ineffective . These hare been the reason behind the epileptic news presented on daily basis by journalists to their teaming audience globally.  
This study will be carried out with the view of designing a new system that will take good care of the ineffectiveness that characterized the existing system and automation of the entire process of news editing.
1.2     Statement of the Problem
News editing as it regards to the journalism profession is characterized by numerous problems. The problems that characterized the existing system are actually responsible for the fall in the quality of news production and presentation. The problems with the existing system include:
i)                   Reviewing of reports submitted by reports on the field
ii)                Identification of errors in the reports, this includes: grammatical errors, spelling errors, punctuation errors etc.
iii)              Condensation of reports into meaningful and concise piece
iv)              Organization of the reports in an orderly manner for presentation to the audience.
v)                And other modifications.
1.3     Aims and Objective of the Study
The aim of this study (project) is to design a new system that will surpass the existing system in the following areas:
-                     Reviewing of reports
-                     Detection of errors
-                     Correction of errors
-                     Summarization of reports
Furthermore this study will aim at automating the entire process of news editing system that will further enhance News editing in terms of:
-                     Quality
-                     Timeliness
-                     Accuracy
-                     Relevance
-                     Importance
-                     And correctness.

1.4            Scope of the Study
The scope of this study will cover all the activities and processes that are involved in News Editing from the submission of news reports to the final News editing process. These will further lead to the design and implementation of a blue print for the automation of news editing system (existing system).
1.5            Limitation of the Study
A lot of limitations were encounter during this study. Such limitations are:
1.        Finance: this work is constrained by finance as the college did not collaborate with me financial sponsorship to enable an in-depth study.
2.        Time: this is another constraint to my undertaking a more comprehensive fact finding, since the period for this study was very small compared to the actual work0
3.        Lack of textbooks: this is also another major constraint in the course of carrying out this work. One had to move from one library to another.
4.        Protocols: I encountered series of protocols, often called red tapism before I was granted interviews.
1.6            Definition of Terms
Automation – The use of machines or computers to do work that was     previously done by people.
News -        information about something or an event that has happened recently.
Editing -     The process of preparing a piece of writing by correcting the mistakes, making improvements.
Editor -      A person who edits.
Reporter -  A person who collects and reports news.
Correspondent - A person who reports news from a particular country or on a particular subject for a newspaper or a television or radio station.


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