Friday 1 December 2017


1.0                                            INTRODUCTION
1.1 Background of the Study
Globally, banks in developing countries are expected to play vital and effective roles in financing their economic projects and activities as their contribution in ensuring sustainable economic growth.  Theoretical discussions about the importance of credit development and the role that the banking industry plays in economic growth have occupied a key position in the literature of development finance.   >>> Download Here!
Banks are traditionally defined as financial intermediaries that accept deposits andchannel these deposits into lending activities (Agboola, 2003).A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates credit (Hoggson, 2006). Lending activities can be performed either directly or indirectly through capital markets. Due to their importance in the financial stability of a country, banks are highly regulated in most countries. Most nations have institutionalized a system known as fractional reserve banking under which banks hold liquid assets equal to only a portion of their current liabilities (Hoggson, 2006).
Banking desert is an area with inadequate banking services. Especially vulnerable to the issues associated with banking deserts are low-income residents, students and the elderly. If basic financial services are unavailable, residents become "vulnerable to predatory lenders and pricey check cashers"(Watson, 2014).During the transition from high/secondary school to college or university, financial responsibility becomes increasingly important (Rose, 2009). Tuition, living costs and other college expenses must be calculated and budgeted. Opening a checking account before the big move can make life a little easier.
College/university is a time when you learn to do more with less. People who learn to manage a bank account when they have limited funds available are more likely to manage their money well when they have a full-time job after graduation. It is a great time to learn about creating a budget and reconciling your account while you only have a small balance and a few bills so a bank presence in higher institutions is of utmost importance (Rhine et al., 2006).
The Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu (popularly known as "FCA Ishiagu") is based in Ishiagu, Ivo Local government area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. One would have thought that the presence of the ruling class since the year 1999 in government and in power would have brought facilitated development to the community but that was not to be as the political enterprise turned bloodier at each epoch.At the time of writing none of the licensed banks in Nigeria has a presence at Ishiagu, no hospital except a minor private effort,the state of the old missionary school's mostly of the Roman catholic mission is nearly in ruins,poor state funding,infrastructural decay and above all lack of qualified manpower.
1.2 Statement of Problem
Students of Federal College of Agriculture Ishiagu currently live in a community that do not have banking facilities or establishment. These unbanked community lack one of the most important ingredients to establishing financial stability. Operating through either cash economies or providers of alternative financial services, students and occupants of this community are at a greater risk of financial shock. By not participating in the financial mainstream, or perhaps being excluded from it, unbanked communities almost always have to obtain the necessary financial services at greater cost and hazard. Many without standard bank services access rely upon POS outlets for access to financial resources such as cash withdrawal and other bank related activities. 
As at the time of this research, students have to travel to neighbouring states in order to obtain banking services. This has been characterized with lots of risks and problems such as accidents due to transportation, high cost of living and hunger among students who may not have the time and resources to travel to the neighbouring states to access banking services such as payment of school fees, withdrawal of money for school activities, this according to the researcher has a tremendous effect of the student performance, hence the need for this research.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The main objective of this objective is to determine the effect of non-bank presence on students performance using FcaIshiagu as a case study.
Specific Objectives include:
i.                   The establishthe importance and role of banks in academic environments
ii.                 The determine the effect of lack of bank on student academic performance
iii.              To establish the impact of bank presence on cost and standard of living in the host community.
1.4 Research Questions
Based on the foregoing objectives, the researcher tends to raise the following questions:
i.                   What are the importance and role of banks in academic environments?
ii.                 What are the effect of non-bank presence on student academic performance?
iii.              To what extent does bank presence affect cost and standard of living in the host community?
1.5 Significance of the Study
It is hoped that through a successful result of this research study, it will give benefit to the following:
1. To the students.   The research will serve as their voice on issues and problems of lack of banks in their academic environment. It is hoped that through this research the problem of non-bank presence in the school will be resolved.
2. To the institution.      They will get to understand the minds and the predicament of the students due to lack of banking services in the institution, the institution management through its power might be able to draw bank investors to the host community
3. To the community.     The study will give great value to community, if the outcome of this research yields good results and banks are brought to existence in the community, the community will begin to enjoy the services of banks.
4. To the researchers:     Essentially, this research intends to contribute significantly to the volume of literature available in this area of finance. Such researchers and students who wish to carry out a related study will have to use it as a research material.
1.6 Scope of the Study
The study centres on the effect of lack of banks on students performance. The study covers the views of students of Federal College of Agriculture, Ishaigu, which in turn comprise the population of the study.

1.7 Limitation of the Study
In the course of this study, the researcher encountered lots of constraint which includes:
§  Time:  There was no insufficient of time to carryout this research such a enough time study.
§  Finance:  Also a great threat to this study because of this nature requires large funds which could not be obtained.
§  Academic Workload:  Academic workload was another limitation of this research work due to the nature of our lecture from Monday to Friday which provides little time for student to go for the information needed for the research.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Bank: A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates credit. Lending activities can be performed either directly or indirectly through capital markets.
Banking Desert: Banking desert is an area with inadequate banking services.
Community: Community as used in this study means a group of people who live in an area where an organisation operates. They are a group of people having a religion, race, profession, or other particular characteristic in common.
Performance: Performance is the manner in which an organisation functions, operates, or behaves in the society.
Financial stability:Financial stability is a state in which the financial system, i.e. the key financial markets and the financial institutional system is resistant to economic shocks and is fit to smoothly fulfil its basic functions: the intermediation of financial funds, management of risks and the arrangement of payments.

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