Friday 8 December 2017


The study focuses on ensuring a hygienic environment in Okigwe community in Imo State. It aims to look at the effect and Consequences of improper management of refuse disposal. The study analysed the factors contributing to the effect of improper waste management in the community and also suggested measures that can possibly help to mitigate the problems. A combination of qualitative methodological approach was used in data collection and analysis. This methods include: questionnaire and interview. The findings revealed that, process of collecting waste was not on frequent base, transportation of solid waste was very challenging due to the bad nature to the road, waste management company collect waste only to landfill site, the environment is destroyed and investors are afraid to invest in the community. The study concluded with recommendation that, there should be provision of adequate skips, regular collection of waste, adequate resourcing of the waste management institutions and sensitization campaigns to educate the people.


1.0                    INTRODUCTION

1.2 Background of the Study

Environmental pollution is one of the phenomena that have gained international attention. All over the world today, environmental pollution is an issue of great concern because of what the environment is to human survival and indeed, the survival of the earth itself. These days, the argument on green house effect is rite everywhere in the world. “if its not green house effect”, it is global warning. Both point to the fact that the earth is polluted. Williams (2006) affirms that it is well recognized that the environment is one of the health. He however points out that Nigeria suffers from both primary and secondary environmental problems resulting from under-development and growth in industrialization. As a result, human idea and activities are threats to social responsibility environmental pollution is one of phenomenon that has gained international attention including Nigeria and Imo State hence Okigwe Local Government Area. News agencies, health. Organizations, federal government’s ministries of health have passed information about the menace associated with environmental pollution to the masses. According to Encyclopedia Britannica (1978) “pollution has been regarded as a change in the physical, chemical or biological conditions in the environment which harmfully affects the equally of life. The problem of refuse disposal cu environmental pollution as regard uttering of streets with refuse materials is a crucial problem of the developing countries. Crucial problem of the developing countries. Nation (1975) supporting the above statement explained that if sewage or refuse were not properly disposed they could serious outbreak disease which could be very harmful to human health. Some studies have shown that accumulation of solid waste is an aesthetic disaster, if they are burned, they contribute to air pollution and when rainfalls percolate through them and points ground water suppers.
However a country whose citizens are suffering from plague of illness, disease and afflictions has no place in these qualities that contribute to making any country a great nation. The mismanagement of these wastes can  lead to short term risks, environmental degradation, breeding of insects, spontaneous fire outbreak. It has been observed that environmental pollution identifies improper, ineffective and unhygienic disposal of refuse materials. Some studies shows that dumping of refuse enables rats, flies and other caners of dangerous diseases to flourish and research findings have also shown that from each household turn out about a lone of rubbish a year which comprise of paper, cardboards, waste glass, damaged cars, non-cycling of scrapped cars and their components. All these represent a source of environmental pollution involving the littering of roads with refuge dumping on roads sides and the conversion of drains. Other parts of the country, human faces passed in small brushes around people’s homes. The experience is the same in high density areas and urban shows where people pass faces into gutters and dump domestic waste in the streets, blocking both drainage and vehicular passage in some places where pit laterins are uswed, they scarcely go with lids. Apart from the stench, which excludes from such latrines, food can easily be contaminated by flies, which have habitats there. Pollution associated with poor sanitary habits can therefore be said to be a project of underdevelopment. The environment can very well be polluted owing to social misdemeanor when people fail to observe simple public order such as where not to smoke or where not to urinate. Smoking in public has been a subject of argument for a long time now. The most talk about pollution is the industrial pollution which is now a global issue. This has generated a lot of discussions and augments at various social states especially among the scientists.
While (2000)  notes that carbon dioxide  is what environmental  scientists  call “a greenhouse is gas”  in Imo state , industrial  plants and installations emit  gasses  that pollute  the  environment.  Such pollution is always prominent in the cities where industrial activities are carried out around the clock. In an environment like this, the air and water are often polluted, while noise from industrial machines and augment create pollution of another sort.

1.2      Statement of Problem

Ethnically, the beauty of any environment lies on its good sanitary condition.  This is so because  when an environment is clean the live of the citizenry are not threatened  by illness and diseases,  proper refuse disposal  management involves the dumping  of  waste(solid, liquid or gaseous)  From our homes, industrial and public outfits for example hostels, hospitals and school  etc  at a specific place or in a government provided containers and the  control and refuse from where  they can cause hazards to a place where they are less hazardous to public health.  However, despite the government effort at making the environment clean in Okigwe metropolis, People seem to be careless about their environment. Despite the provision of refuse receptacles by the government.  Many people still prefer dumping refuse at places they considered convenient to them; people seem not to be aware of the interrelatedness of dirty environment and diseases, victims of environment related diseases like malaria Fever, Typhoid Fever, dysentery and others seem to be on the increase. Indiscriminate refuse dumping affects quality of water and air of which the people seem not to be aware. Public educational programmes that enlighten the public on the health implications of indiscriminate refuse dump are almost non-existent.
Mass media seem not to be doing enough to create awareness about implications of indiscriminate refuse dump. It was against this background that this research is being embarked on to appraise the public health awareness of health implications of indiscriminate refuse dump in Okigwe metropolis.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The objective of this study is
i.       To  find out the  impact  of environmental  pollution on the people  of  Okigwe  Local  Government Area of  Imo state.
ii.     To find out the various methods of environmental pollution control and waste disposal adopted by the people of Okigwe LGA.
iii.  The effects of improper pollution control and waste disposal on the environment and the possible means of controlling the phenomenon.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The study of the impact of environment pollution will make the people of Okigwe, Local Government Area especially the woman to realize the importance of effective refusal disposal and waste bins and waste control. It will also be significant to people of Okigwe in a way that they will know the proper waste control strategies and how to manage and preserve the environment for the good health of the people. It will also be the people living in commercial and industrial areas of Okigwe. It will also be important so that the people will know the causes   and effects of environmental in human health will not be overlooked.
1.5 Scope of the Study / Limitations
The study will cover all the people and residents of Okigwe Local Government Area of Imo state. The work also will cover all the twenty one autonomous communities that made up of Okigwe Local Government Area. The autonomous communities are Ogii, Ezinachi, Umuawaibu, Agbobu, Ihube, Umulolo, Umualumoke, Ndiokorie, Orji, Ibinta, Aku, Umuze gery, Ubahu, Amuro, Aro Ogu, Isi okwe, Ugwuaku and Okigwe urban.
The work is limited to Okigwe Local Government Area because of time constraint and financial constraint.

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