Thursday 21 September 2017


Some locally available pineapple juice and fruits sold in Eke market Ishiagu and main market Abakaliki, Ebonyi State was examined for parasitological contamination and microbial spoilage. Small pieces of decayed tissue from the leading edge of the lesion was transferred, by means of sterile techniques, to the SDA contained in covered dishes and incubated at room temperature (28-370c).  The fungal and bacterial growth visible within 2-7 days.  Each observed fungal and bacterial growth based on their  morphological and cultural microscopic examination and this microscopic examination was done using the lactophenol  staining technique.  Some organisms like Erwinia species has been incriminated as pathogen, saprophyte or constituent of epiphyic flora of plants.  Yeast cells were seen on pineapple juice. There is no significant difference between the two methods used. Results of the current study shows a significant level of pineapple juice contamination with pathogenic parasite from different places in Eke Ishiagu and main market Abakaliki in Ebonyi, Ebonyi State suggesting existence of a great risk of acquiring intestinal parasites by drinking improperly prepared pineapple juice or fruit. 


1.0.                                               INTRODUCTION

          Fruit juice is unfermented but fermentable liquid or juice intended for direct consumption, obtained from the edible portion of sound, appropriately mature and fresh fruit by mechanical extraction process and preserve, exclusively by chemical and physical means (Woodroof and Luh, 2000; FAO/WHO, 2005).  The juice may have been concentrated and later reconstituted with water suitable for the purpose of maintaining the essential composition and quality factor of the juice.  The addition of sugar or acids can be permitted but must be endorsed in the individual standard (FAO/WHO, 2005).  Juice is classified as pure or pulp and are prepared to contribute vitamins to diet, serve as pleasant tasting beverage drink or as a form of preservation technique (Salunkhe and Kadam, 1995). Water is the predominant component of fruit juice and also Carbohydrate including sucrose, fructose, glucose and sorbitol varies (Heldman and Lund, 1998).  It contain small amount of protein, no fat, cholesterol and unless the pulp is included, contains no fiber (Parish, 1991; Pao et al., 2000).  Fruit juices are rich in Minerals and Vitamin A and C, and could be fortified with more minerals and vitamins.  The anti-oxidant components of fruit juice have beneficial long term health effects, such as decreasing the risk of cancer and heart disease (Boyer and Liu, 2004; AICR, 2010).  Increased iron absorption from food by Ascorbic acid is essential for children who consume diet with low iron bio-availability (Salunkhe and Kadam, 1995; Heldman and Lund, 1998; Ray, 2001). The combination of raw fruit materials, food ingredients, juice preparation and processing methods, provides the manufacturer with practically infinite range of possible juice products varying in quality, price and value.  The liquid nature of juice and the availability of many natural and manufactured juice constituents offer a blending opportunity, many mixing options, versatility of juices and enormous temptation to cut corners by economic adulteration.  The ease with which juice can be altered with sugar, water or inferior juices has and continues to attract unethical suppliers.  Such unethical practices can be dangerous, as there have been many tragic incidences of poisonous ingredients being added to juice (Nagy and Wade, 1995; Ashurst, 1995). Chemical reactions involving oxygen, metals and other juice constituents can occur to modify sensitive pigment, taste or aroma substances.  Chemical contamination can also occur from the environment via pesticide chemicals and the use of non-food grade equipment in the processing line, impact fruit juice (Kiritsy et al., 1996).
A study of this nature must have problems which result in it.  This problem will result from how these microorganisms are being associated with the pineapple and cause decay to these pineapples and make it undesirable for human consumption.  This microorganisms associated with the spoilage of pineapple includes yeast and mold, {uedomonas species, micrococcus species,  bacterial and fungal species.  Looking at many pineapple sold in the market today, most of them are infected with these microorganisms or other microorganisms like the soft rot, crown rot bacteria and soft rots which infect and make these fruit unattractive for human consumption and may cause problems to human being as well as animal.  
The specific objectives and aims of the Research include:
1.     it shows the amount of bacteria present in pineapple Juice
2.     it also shows the amount of yeast and mold present in the decay of pineapple
3.     it provides a basic understanding of the physical, chemical and microbiological principles underlying the preservation of foods and also provide as a basic understanding of the study of food microbiology from farm to consumer.
4.     It provide students with an understanding of the physical and chemical characteristics which influence the formation, stability and texture of food systems
This study is done to find out how similar or different microorganisms associated with the spoilage of pineapple are: it brings to fore a good number of   microorganisms associated with that or bring about the spoilage of pineapple.  The significance of this study can never and will never be over emphasized.  This is because pineapple is a fruit of choice and spoils easily.  As a result of this, knowledge of the microorganisms that are involved in its (pineapple) spoilage is essential.
          Also, this study gives an insight into the conditions as well as factors that result in the spoilage of this attractive fruit, not to mention the nature or group of microorganisms that are associated with such a fruit.  The significance of this study is seen in the light of having a good understanding and showing the comparism of the microbiological facts of pineapple juice.
The scope of the study is to conduct a microbial evaluation of pineapple juices, the study is focused on pineapple juice sold in Ebonyi state and expected to last for seven (7) months from March to September 2016

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