Monday 1 February 2016


This project work intends to automate the existing criminal records of the Nigeria police using Ivo Police criminal investigating department Ishiagu, Ebonyi State. The essence was to produce durable criminal records and avoidable lost of criminal records. Structural database management system (DBMS) was used in its development in other to eliminate redundancy in the compilation, its friendliness in responding to the user exhibits and also its reliability and efficiency in tracking down criminals. Another important feature of this system was that it provides user with the facilities for having the hard copies or print out of any relevant document as well as the facilities to communication with the system. Tracking is the observing of persons or objects on the move and supplying a timely ordered sequence of respective location data to a model e.g. capable to serve for depicting the motion on a display capability. The traditional and age-old system of intelligence and criminal record maintenance has failed to live up to the requirements of the existing crime scenario. Manual processes neither provide accurate, reliable and comprehensive data round the clock nor does it help in trend prediction and decision support.

1.0             INTRODUCTION
Man by nature is social, gregarious and cannot live in isolation. To maintain peace and harmony in the society, man has to fashion out conduct and some laws to govern the conduct of members of the society. When people appreciate these codes of conduct and laws, protection of lives and properties are guaranteed. 
Generally tracking is the observing of persons or objects on the move and supplying a timely ordered sequence of respective location data to a model e.g. capable to serve for depicting the motion on a display capability.
The traditional and age-old system of intelligence and criminal record maintenance has failed to live up to the requirements of the existing crime scenario. Manual processes neither provide accurate, reliable and comprehensive data round the clock nor does it help in trend prediction and decision support. It also results in lower productivity and ineffective utilization of manpower. The solution to this ever-increasing problem lies in the effective use of Information Technology. Crime Tracking Information System uses computer-generated records as an interface for integrating and accessing massive amounts of location-based information.
Crime tracking system allows police personnel to plan effectively for emergency response, determine mitigation priorities, analyses historical events, and predict future events. Crime tracking system helps identify potential suspects to increase investigators suspect base when no leads are evident. The ability to access and process information quickly while displaying it in a spatial and visual medium allows agencies to allocate resources quickly and more effectively. In the ‗mission-critical ‘nature of law enforcement, information about the location of a crime, incident, suspect, or victim is often crucial to determine the manner and size of the response. Crime tracking software helps co-ordinate vast amounts of location-based data from multiple sources. It enables the user to layer the data and view the data most critical to the particular issue or mission.
Ivo local government was created from Ohazara local government of Ebonyi State in the year 1996; by the then military governor Navy Commander (retired) Walter Feghabo.
Walter Feghabo served as the first Military Administrator of Ebonyi State in Nigeria between October 1996 and August 1998 after Ebonyi State was created from parts of Enugu State and Abia State during the military regime of General Sani Abacha.
On 1st October 1996, Ivo police division was created, serving as a substation for the head quarters in Abakaliki and Ohazara. Since then the division has continued to carry out their activities as a police division, helping to maintain peace, settle disputes and prosecute criminal as the case may be within the Ivo division. The system mostly employed by the division is usually manual and not computerized, criminal details and information’s are stored in files which are safe guarded in shelves or rooms. This system tends to be less productive as files can be lost and the process of retrieving information concerning a particular case can be very stressful as files has to be brought out for cross checking.
The computerized software can go a long way to alleviate these problems by providing an easier and faster means of storing and retrieving information’s around the division.
The Nigerian Police Ebonyi State Ivo Division , which is used as a case study, has an existing criminal Tracking System, but this system is not automated. The documentation of criminal records is done on paper and pen. The storage of these criminal records is not something to write home about.
Case files are dumped in heaps while some are kept on shelves. With the moldy nature of the state such important documents quickly get dusty and because of lack of proper storage, some criminal documents are seriously damaged by rats that feed on them. With this kind of situation, it becomes highly difficult if not impossible to track down known criminal, access past criminal history of a suspect and know the status of some concluded cases.
1.3             OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
This project tends to develop a crime tracking system that uses biometric method to track a crime. Specifically it aims to also do the following
ü To detect the biometric method
ü To extract the biometric feature to use
ü To compare the features of the test image for the data existing on the database
ü The systems will posses features that will enable criminal data to be checked and easy tracking of crime.
          The study crime tracking system will aid in the proper tracking of crime, these study will go the extent of aiding the Nigerian police department in easy tracking of suspect, witness or an accused as the case maybe using biometric method. This study will also aid crime control in the state.
The project Design and implementation of crime tracking system using biometric method can be of immense value to the police and an integral part of the criminal justice information system.
This study is limited to the tracking of crime; it can replace the old way of tracking with more effective and vibrant but constant function, this study is mostly concerned with the tracking of a suspect, witness or accused/complaint of a crime and also the tracking of a crime scene.
A study of this nature would certainly have numerous drawbacks on its way: They include:
1.     Financial Constraints:
2.     Time Constraint: Time was a major constraint as the researcher has to combine work and academic together.
3.     Not having enough material: there was not enough material for this research and the researcher was set aback due to this factor.
However,these limitations will not in any way affect the authenticity of the work.
Crime: A normative definition views crime as deviant behavior that violates prevailing norms – cultural standards prescribing how humans ought to behave normally
Criminalization: One can view criminalization as a procedure deployed by society as a pre-emptive, harm-reduction device, using the threat of punishment as a deterrent to anyone proposing to engage in the behavior causing harm.
Police division: A division was the usual term for the largest territorial subdivision of most  police forces. In major reforms of police organisation in the 1990s divisions of many forces were restructured and retitled Basic Command Units (BCUs), although as of 2009 some forces continue to refer to them as divisions.
Tracking: defined tracking as the act or process of following something or someone
Information: defined tracking as Knowledge or facts learned, especially about a certain subject or event.
System: defined a system a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole.

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