Friday 28 October 2016


The research study investigated the participation of Pro-vitamin “A” cassava production among small scale farmers in Ohaukwu local Government Area of Ebonyi state, Nigeria. A total of 80 respondents were selected through multi-stage random sampling technique. Data was collected with structured questionnaire and analyzed with descriptive statistics and multiple regression model analysis. The result revealed that majority (66.25%) of respondent were males, the  (42.5%) of the respondent fell between 21-30years age, the (61.25%)respondent were married and level of education recast respondent is majorly from NCE/ND (28.78%). The result showed that (37.5%) of the respondent had farming experience of 3years and above, 42.5 percent had 4-6 persons in the family, (48.75%) respondent represent farming majority of farmer did not belong to any co-operative society. (43.75%) hired labour (58.75%) respondent on friends /relative. The cost of labour per day is from #400 to #500, (26.25%) of the respondents had farm size of 2.0-2.99 hector, (48.75%) of people earn from #10000 to #30000 per annum, (71.25%) of farmers had contact with agriculture extension. Respondent of farmers on access to credit which (57.5%) of farmers have access to credit, (35%) of respondent got their credit from personal savings. Multiple regression analysis showed planting material, labour cost, income, credit access and extension contact were significant at 5% and 10% risk levels. The result also showed that among all the fourteen constraints of farmers in the production of pro-vitamin “A” cassava, lack of extension contact and garri quality ranked first followed by low price of cassava tuber second and thirdly in a variability of planting materials. This study recommends that modern agricultural technologies should be encouraged, taught to farmers by the extension agents. Production of pro-vitamin “A” cassava should be made available to farmers through the ADP of every local government in the state.


The results of this research showed that Garcinia Kolanut  possess  some degree of inhibitory effects against the selected bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and salmonella  sp. There was a corresponding increase in the zones of Inhibition of  Staph. Aureus, E. Coli and Salmonella sp. as the strength of 1ml ethanol suspension of Garcinia Kolanut  per disc increases. Salmonella sp. gave highest zones of inhibition that ranged from 0.5mm – 5.5mm, followed by staphylococcus aureus, ranged between 0.5mm – 5.2mm, the least being the E-coli ranged from 0.3mm – 3.6mm.  There was an increase in the zones of inhibition of the three selected bacteria, with an increase in the weight of suspension. The zones of inhibition for staphylococcus aureus ranged from 0.1mm – 3.5mm, E.Coli ranged from 0.2mm (at 300µg) to 2.0mm while the salmonella  sp. ranged 0.2mm – 3.8mm. the minimal zone of inhibition 200µg Garcinia Kolanut/disc in 1ml aqueous Garcinia Kolanut  suspension. Garcinia Kolanut  (bitter kola) seed is believed to be effective in treating throat infections and cough, moreover, bitter kola has also been indentified to have strong antibiotics activities and found to be very effective against disease causing micro-organisms such as E.Coli, Staph. Aureus, Salmonella Sp., Streptococcus Spp, Vibrio Cholera and Gonnorrhea.  


This research work was carries out to examine the profitability analysis of cassava fufu (flour) production in Ishiagu, Ivo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Structural questionnaire and interview was used for data collection. A sample of three hundred cassava fufu consumers was randomly selected from four randomly sampled community of Ishiagu. Cross sectional data from both primary and secondary sources were used. Data was analysed to give the descriptive statistical accounts of the research participants and profitability analysis of odourless cassava fufu (flour) production was determined through a cost benefit analysis. The result revealed gross margin of N4,8363 (naira) for cassava odourless fufu (flour) production in the study area and cost benefit ratio at 4:8:10.

Tuesday 18 October 2016


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